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Physical Security Policy

Policy overview

1 Purpose

To outline the University's responsibilities in protecting people and tangible Assets through the implementation of physical security controls.

2 Scope

This policy applies to all University Members, Students, tenants, and tangible University Assets.

3 Policy Statement

The University attempts to ensure, as far as reasonably practical, the personal safety and security of the University people, at all University controlled facilities. This will be achieved by endeavouring to provide a safe and secure environment and related services.

4 Principles

  • Security is everyone's responsibility, and the University is committed to developing and fostering a positive security culture, which is critical to effective security outcomes.
  • Through a Safer Communities approach the University will engage a whole-of-institution strategy to identify and manage physical security risks.
  • The University is committed to the development, education, maintenance and monitoring of security procedures.
  • Campus Safety and Security is responsible for coordinating and providing Physical Security Infrastructure and Security and Emergency Equipment.
  • Campus Safety and Security will ensure compliance with the principles of the Australian Government's, Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) and where applicable Defence Security Principles Framework (DSPF).
  • Campus Safety and Security will work in partnership with external agencies including police, fire services and other government agencies, with a high focus on threat intelligence and counter-terrorism prevention and preparedness.
  • Campus Safety and Security is responsible for regular internal audit of its Security Ecosystem, comprised of an intelligence driven threat management approach, coordinated emergency management system, enhanced system and infrastructure capability.
  • Campus Safety and Security is responsible for ensuring the compliance of Campus Safety and Security Officers, to ensure compliance with relevant industry legislation and standards.

5 References


6 Schedules

This policy must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

7 Policy Information

Accountable Officer

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise Services)

Responsible Officer

Director (Safety, Security and Sustainability)

Policy Type

Executive Policy

Policy Suite

Physical Security Procedure

Parking and Traffic Management Procedure

Physical Security Infrastructure and Equipment Procedure

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008

Criminal Code Act 1899 (Qld)

Evidence Act 1977

Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990

Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995

University of Southern Queensland Act 1998

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Code of Conduct Policy

Hire of Facilities Policy and Procedure

ICT Information Management and Security Policy

Motor Vehicle Policy and Procedure

Privacy Policy

Student General Conduct Policy

Work Health and Safety Policy

Related Procedures

Contractor Management Procedure

Student General Misconduct Procedure

Visitors on University Sites Procedure

Related forms, publications and websites

Defence Security Principles Framework

Privacy website

Protective Security Policy Framework

University Payment Gateway


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary


A resource (tangible or intangible) controlled by the University as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow. Assets may be donated to the University, acquired for consideration or subject to financing arrangements....moreA resource (tangible or intangible) controlled by the University as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow. Assets may be donated to the University, acquired for consideration or subject to financing arrangements.

Safer Communities

A national approach by universities to develop a framework designed to provide a collaborative and structured response to behavioural and physical security concerns....moreA national approach by universities to develop a framework designed to provide a collaborative and structured response to behavioural and physical security concerns.

Security Infrastructure

Semi-permanent or permanent equipment installed at the University to increase the physical security of those present and to deter criminal activity. Includes but not limited to alarms, panic buttons, duress buttons, emergency lighting, security signage, electronic access control equipment, surveillance equipment, keys and locks....moreSemi-permanent or permanent equipment installed at the University to increase the physical security of those present and to deter criminal activity. Includes but not limited to alarms, panic buttons, duress buttons, emergency lighting, security signage, electronic access control equipment, surveillance equipment, keys and locks.


A person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled....moreA person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled.


The term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland....moreThe term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland.

University Members

Persons who include: Employees of the University whose conditions of employment are covered by the UniSQ Enterprise Agreement whether full time or fractional, continuing, fixed-term or casual, including senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University; members of the University Council and University Committees; visiti...morePersons who include: Employees of the University whose conditions of employment are covered by the UniSQ Enterprise Agreement whether full time or fractional, continuing, fixed-term or casual, including senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University; members of the University Council and University Committees; visiting, honorary and adjunct appointees; volunteers who contribute to University activities or who act on behalf of the University; and individuals who are granted access to University facilities or who are engaged in providing services to the University, such as contractors or consultants, where applicable.

Definitions that relate to this policy only


Electronic access control, Surveillance

Record No


Failure to comply with this Policy or Policy Instrument may be considered as misconduct and the provisions of the relevant Policy or Procedure applied.

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