Procedure overview
- 1 Purpose
- 2 Scope
- 3 Procedure Overview
- 4 Procedures
- 4.1 Management of traffic and parking on University campus
- 4.2 Determination of parking fines and fees
- 4.3 Parking on campus
- 4.4 Parking Permits
- 4.5 Disability parking and Permits
- 4.6 Parking Infringements
- 4.7 Driving (including cycling) on campus
- 4.8 Electric vehicles
- 4.9 Vehicle access to pedestrian zones, excludes emergency vehicles
- 5 References
- 6 Schedules
- 7 Procedure Information
1 Purpose
To describe the processes used to manage parking and traffic on all University campuses.
2 Scope
This procedure applies to all University Members, Students and Visitors and all University campuses.
3 Procedure Overview
This procedure describes the processes that the University uses to regulate and manage parking, including the process by which Parking Bays may be allocated, the process by which parking Permits may be obtained and the processes for dealing with Parking Infringements.
At any time, there may be a mix of pedestrians and drivers on the University grounds. This procedure also sets out traffic management processes, used to manage these different types of traffic.
4 Procedures
4.1 Management of traffic and parking on University campus
- Areas of the University's campuses designated as roadways (arterial and non-arterial) and parking zones will be shown on the University's campus directory. The Executive Director (Facilities Management) or delegate will ensure the directory is available on the University website.
- Appropriate signage regarding traffic control including information notices and Regulatory Notices in accordance with the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998, must be displayed at or near each campus roadway entrance.
- The Executive Director (Facilities Management) or delegate may designate an area of the University for use as temporary car parking for authorised on campus activities, free of charge and penalty. Temporary car parking areas will be clearly marked with barriers and signage that states the parking requirements and restrictions, including any time limits.
- Individuals who plan to or for some justifiable reason unplanned (e.g. emergency) leave their vehicle within a University Parking Bay, must notify particulars (including expected period of time) to Campus Safety and Security.
- Vehicles believed on reasonable grounds to be abandoned may be seized, removed and held and dealt with as per the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998.
4.2 Determination of parking fines and fees
- Parking fines are imposed in accordance with the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998.
- Applied penalty units, and their limits for the University of Southern Queensland are defined under Schedule 1, State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2014. [see section 5, Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 for meaning of penalty unit]
- Unpaid fines are managed in accordance with the State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999.
- The Vice Chancellor reserves the right to reimplement paid parking, if required.
4.3 Parking on campus
- Parking on campuses must be in Car Park Parking Bays and in accordance with signage, including any time restrictions or limits, and if it is a condition of parking, vehicles must display a relevant and valid Permit.
- Reserved Parking Bays designated for use by Divisions, will generally be made annually but may be altered throughout the year in accordance with operational and safety needs.
- Vehicles may not stop or park on any arterial roads on University campuses, unless it is within a designated Parking Bay.
- Subject to signage vehicles may, on a temporary basis, stop on non-arterial University roads to allow for pick up and drop off of passengers with a disability or with restricted mobility, provided doing so does not create a safety hazard to traffic or for the occupants of the vehicle or prevent the normal flow of traffic.
4.4 Parking Permits
- The Executive Director (Facilities Management) or delegate will normally allocate a number of specified Reserved Parking Bays to each Division by 30 November each year.
- Category 4 Delegates for the Division will determine the allocation of individual Bays and advise the Executive Director (Facilities Management) or delegate by 31 December of these nominations and any subsequent reallocations as they occur. Failure to advise of nominations or changes to nominations, in a timely manner may result in Parking Infringement notices being raised.
- One user only is to be nominated per Reserved Parking Bay. There are no provisions for secondary users. Campus Safety and Security will maintain a register of individuals to whom Bays have been allocated, including their vehicle details.
- Annual parking Permits, Springfield campus only, will normally be issued by February each year.
- Where Permit parking applies (through signage) to a Parking Bay or Car Park, drivers are required to display a valid parking Permit on the vehicle.
- Valid and required parking Permits must be clearly visible through the front windscreen of the vehicle, either affixed to the inner glass surface or displayed on the front dashboard (condition of parking). Failure to properly display current parking Permits may result in a Parking Infringement notice being issued.
- The Parking Permit does not give exemption from any other signposted parking restrictions.
- There are no General Parking Bays set aside exclusively for an individual who is the holder of a University general Parking Permit. The Parking Permit represents the right to seek a Parking Bay but is not a guarantee that one will be available.
- Responsibility for ensuring that a valid and relevant Permit is properly displayed, lies with the driver of the vehicle.
- Some specified Parking Bays marked as Contractor Parking Bays have been set aside for use by contractor and consultants working on site. Prior to parking within these Parking Bays, contractors or consultants must first have obtained a Contractor Parking Permit from Campus Safety and Security. Contractor Permits will only be issued following completion of a site induction at the Campus Safety and Security office. Use of the Contractor Parking Bays without displaying a Contractor Parking Permit may attract a Parking Infringement notice.
4.5 Disability parking and Permits
- The University applies the Australian Disability Parking Permit (ADPP) (as described in the Queensland Government Parking Permits website) parking concessions to all campuses to remain in line with local government practices.
- Disability Parking Bays are signposted and have the international symbol painted on the Bay surface.
- A Disability Parking Permit, issued by the Queensland Department of Transport or a similar Permit issued by an equivalent authority in another state, or a temporary disability parking Permit must be displayed on a vehicle parked within a disability Parking Bay.
- Temporary disability Parking Permits may be issued for use in any disability Parking Bay, for the duration of their disability, recovery from injury, or the period they will be visiting campus, whichever is the shorter.
- University Members who have obtained a medical certificate stating that they have a temporary disability may apply to the People Portfolio (Rehabilitation) for a temporary parking Permit.
- Students who have obtained a medical certificate stating that they have a temporary disability may apply to Student Support for Learning for a temporary parking Permit.
4.6 Parking Infringements
- Parking enforcement is managed by Campus Safety and Security.
- A Parking Infringement notice may be issued by authorised members of Campus Safety and Security, in accordance with the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998.
- A Parking Infringement notice may be issued for breaches against Schedule 1 of the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998.
- The Parking Infringement notice will detail the prescribed offence and penalties for any breach.
- Any Appeal and payments relating to the Parking Infringement notice are to be made as per the instructions on the notice issued.
- Any individual who receives a Parking Infringement notice and believes it has been issued in error, may appeal the issue of that notice by sending an email to for review.
- Information to be included in the Appeal:
- Parking Infringement notice number
- Vehicle registration number
- Basis for Appeal
- Should the Appeal be successful, the Parking Infringement will be waived, with no further action being taken by the University.
- Should the Appeal be unsuccessful, the driver is required to comply with the possible responses to the notice.
- If you wish to have the alleged offence dealt with by a court, you may, by notice given to the administering authority within the time specified in the reminder notice, require the offence to be dealt with by a court;
- If you do not wish to have the alleged offence dealt with by a court, the person may within the time specified in the reminder notice, pay the amount specified in the reminder notice to be the amount owing for the alleged offence to the administering authority; and
- If action is not taken under (a) or (b), payment of the amount specified in the reminder notice and further costs will be referred to SPER.
4.7 Driving (including cycling) on campus
- Drivers of vehicles must observe all Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads rules and regulations including road traffic signs and in accordance with the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998, regulatory and information notices and directions made under that Act. Vehicles include electric recreational vehicles such as e-bicycles, electric scooters, golf carts, and electric skateboards, and personal mobility devices like Segways.
- Unless signage indicates otherwise, drivers must not drive on pedestrian pathways or grassed areas without approval from the Executive Director (Facilities Management).
- Should approval be required and granted to drive on pedestrian pathways or grassed areas, the driver must drive at a slow speed, with the vehicle's hazard lights operating, and if appropriate, have an observer for when the vehicle is reversing.
4.8 Electric vehicles
- A limited number of electric vehicle charging bays may be available on some University campuses. The University reserves the right to charge for the electricity used.
4.9 Vehicle access to pedestrian zones, excludes emergency vehicles
- To promote pedestrian safety and to minimise infrastructure damage, some areas of University campuses may be designated as primarily for pedestrians, examples include grassed areas, the quadrangle - Toowoomba campus, or Challinor Court - Ipswich campus.
- Pedestrian zones may be separated from roads through the use of removable bollards.
- Vehicle access to pedestrian zones is allowable only by special permission granted by the Executive Director (Facilities Management) or delegate and subject to the following restrictions:
- Bollards will be kept locked to minimise the risk of unauthorised access.
- Drivers must yield to pedestrians in these areas.
- Drivers must avoid driving on synthetic grass surfaces at all times.
- Vehicles must be driven as directed.
- All vehicles require a driver and an observer or audible reversing beepers to alert pedestrians who may be crossing behind the vehicle.
- Vehicles must be driven at slow speeds.
- Drivers must use vehicle's hazard lights whilst being driven within pedestrian zones.
5 References
6 Schedules
This procedure must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.
7 Procedure Information
Accountable Officer | Executive Director (Facilities Management) |
Responsible Officer | Associate Director (Security and Emergency Management) |
Policy Type | University Procedure |
Policy Suite | |
Subordinate Schedules | |
Approved Date | 10/2/2025 |
Effective Date | 10/2/2025 |
Review Date | 13/7/2027 |
Relevant Legislation | Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990 State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2014 State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999 |
Policy Exceptions | |
Related Policies | Motor Vehicle Policy and Procedure |
Related Procedures | Contractor Management Procedure Student General Misconduct Procedure |
Related forms, publications and websites | University Car Parking Local Process Physical Security Local Process |
Definitions | Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary |
A formal, written request made by a Student or Employee to a higher authority to have a Decision overturned....moreA formal, written request made by a Student or Employee to a higher authority to have a Decision overturned. A person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled....moreA person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled. The term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland....moreThe term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland. Persons who include: Employees of the University whose conditions of employment are covered by the UniSQ Enterprise Agreement whether full time or fractional, continuing, fixed-term or casual, including senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University; members of the University Council and University Committees; visiti...morePersons who include: Employees of the University whose conditions of employment are covered by the UniSQ Enterprise Agreement whether full time or fractional, continuing, fixed-term or casual, including senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University; members of the University Council and University Committees; visiting, honorary and adjunct appointees; volunteers who contribute to University activities or who act on behalf of the University; and individuals who are granted access to University facilities or who are engaged in providing services to the University, such as contractors or consultants, where applicable. The person bearing the title of Vice-Chancellor and President, or as otherwise defined in the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998 , including a person acting in that position....moreThe person bearing the title of Vice-Chancellor and President, or as otherwise defined in the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998 , including a person acting in that position. | |
Definitions that relate to this procedure only | |
Car Park An area of campus that is designed, delineated and signposted for vehicles to stand or be parked within. Parking Bay An area for parking a single vehicle (or vehicle and trailer combination) that is indicated by:
Parking Infringement An action in which a vehicle is parked in a manner which contravenes stated parking regulations at the University. Permit Any University livery, sticker, or other visual display device, which is created in accordance with this Procedure and Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995. Regulatory Notice (Note: as defined in the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998) Signage erected or displayed at or near any vehicular entrance to the University, by the University, regulating the driving, parking or standing of vehicles on the land, including, for example -
Reserved Parking Bay A vehicle Parking Bay specifically set aside for the purpose of sole use by nominated driver. Visitor (Note: as defined in the Work Health and Safety Policy) Includes those volunteers, trainees, researchers and other persons who are engaged in unpaid activities on a University Site or Workplace. | |
Keywords | Parking |
Record No | 15/2709PL |