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Physical Security Procedure

Procedure overview

1 Purpose

To outline the procedure for the provision of physical security services at the University.

2 Scope

This procedure applies to all University campuses and facilities. The procedure may also include reference to the provision of physical security services during times of emergency or crisis, specifically campus closure and lockdown/lockouts.

3 Procedure Overview

This procedure describes the means by which physical security services are provided at the University. This includes, but is not limited to, patrols, escorts and enquiries, lost property, access to spaces booked by third-parties, campus closure and lockdown, and use of University identification cards.

4 Procedures

4.1 Patrols and Escorts

  1. Campus Safety and Security is responsible for regular patrols of University buildings, car-parks and the surrounding grounds, taking reasonable action to regulate access and behaviour of people whilst on University premises, to maintain a safe and secure environment.
  2. Campus Safety and Security provides escort services on campus to University Members and Students, requiring assistance to safely transit from their place of work or study to their vehicle or Residential Colleges accommodation. To request an escort, either activate University's safety mobile application SafeZone or call Campus Safety and Security.

4.2 Management of lost property

  1. Management of lost property is the responsibility of Campus Safety and Security.
  2. Unattended property that appears to be abandoned or left unattended in University buildings or grounds may be treated as lost property.
  3. Individuals who have lost their property may visit the Campus Safety and Security Office to determine whether their item has been turned in.
  4. Individuals may file a report with Campus Safety and Security so that they can be contacted if their item is found and turned in to Campus Safety and Security.
  5. After 28 days, if lost property has not been claimed, all items are handed over to the Queensland Police Service.

4.3 Access to space by third parties

  1. Facilities Management is responsible for space management at the University. This includes third-party booking of University spaces as per the Hire of Facilities Policy and Procedure.
  2. Campus Safety and Security is responsible for providing access to authorised third parties.
  3. Campus Safety and Security must have evidence of an approved booking to provide access to an area or facilities. If evidence, such as a current and valid booking confirmation email, cannot be produced upon request, no access will be provided.

4.4 Control and use of the University of Southern Queensland ID Cards

  1. The University provides photographic identification cards for the purpose of identifying the cardholder.
  2. Campus Safety and Security oversees the University's official and authorised identification card system. No other parties are permitted to create, alter, or replicate the authorised identification card system, although some areas may be permitted to issue specific identification cards.
  3. All University identification cards remain the property of the University and shall not be duplicated or traded or provided to anyone other than the person it is issued to.
  4. Students can apply for their identification cards through iconnect. University Members can apply for their identification cards through Campus Safety and Security.
  5. University Members and Students shall present their University identification cards upon reasonable request from Campus Safety and Security, without refusal or unreasonable delay.
  6. Should a University Member or Student misuse or inappropriately use their ID card in a manner inconsistent with their role or responsibilities, this may result in the immediate deactivation of the card and its associated privileges.

4.5 Staff and Student Afterhours Access

  1. If a University Member or Student requires to access University property outside of normal operational hours, prior permission should be sought through their department. The department must then notify Campus Safety and Security of the permitted access.
  2. Upon arrival, the University Members and Students must contact Campus Safety and Security to advise they are on-campus, provide their location, and estimated departure time. Alternatively, this can be completed using the check in and check out function via the University's safety mobile application, SafeZone.

4.6 Campus Prohibition Order

  1. Where, in accordance with Schedule 1 of the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998 (Qld), authorised Campus Safety and Security officers are granted authority to deal with persons (non-University Members or Students) causing a public nuisance to leave University's land.
  2. Certain types of conduct may result in the University issuing a Campus Prohibition Order, formally advising the recipient they are prohibited to enter University property. Where non-compliance with the order occurs, the University will consider the recipient to be a trespasser and in breach of section 11 of the Summary Offences Act 2005 (Qld).
  3. Campus Prohibition Order will be served on behalf of the University by Queensland Police Service.

4.7 Incidents and Reporting

  1. All security incidents which occur on University premises should be reported to Campus Safety and Security . It is the responsibility of Campus Safety and Security to escalate these reported incidents through to the appropriate delegated authorities.
  2. If an individual has suffered loss or damage to personal property, it is the responsibility of that individual to report the incident to Campus Safety and Security. Campus Safety and Security may encourage or facilitate the reporting of the incident to the police.
  3. If an individual is suspected to have been engaged in criminal activity on University grounds, Campus Safety and Security may take photographic or video evidence of the suspect in order to provide evidence to the police in accordance with the Physical Security Infrastructure and Equipment Procedure. In doing so, the Campus Safety and Security Officer will, where possible, inform the suspect that a photograph is being taken.
  4. Any physical security incidents which may have broader implications beyond the Campus Safety and Security team, will be escalated through to the appropriate authority (eg matters pertaining to foreign interference risks).

4.8 Campus Closure

  1. The University may be required to either partially or completely close one or more of its facilities, in response to an emerging or current crisis.
  2. Campus Safety and Security may implement restrictions to University Members and Students, refusing entry and limiting electronic access (swipe) to the University facilities, as determined by the Crisis Management Team (CMT) or other University working groups or committees with the required delegated authority.

4.9 Lockdown/Lockout

  1. Lockdown is a process during which individuals on campus receive instructions to immediately implement the Australian National Security Escape.Hide.Tell principles, to protect themselves from perceived or declared threat on campus.
  2. In the event of a crisis on the University grounds, the Crisis Management Team (CMT) will implement, through Campus Safety and Security, an emergency lockdown of specific areas, an entire campus, or all University controlled facilities.
  3. Electronic Lockout will be applied to specific areas or an entire campus, where electronic access control is fitted to buildings. This action will result in a Lockout, restricting access into or through buildings.

5 References


6 Schedules

This procedure must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

7 Procedure Information

Accountable Officer

Executive Director (Facilities Management)

Responsible Officer

Associate Director (Security and Emergency Management)

Policy Type

University Procedure

Policy Suite

Physical Security Policy

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

AS3745-2010: Planning for emergencies in facilities

Disaster Management Act 2003

Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990

Summary Offences Act 2005 (Qld)

University of Southern Queensland Act 1998

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Code of Conduct Policy

Crisis Management Policy

Hire of Facilities Policy and Procedure

Student General Conduct Policy

Related Procedures

Business Continuity and Crisis Management Procedure

Parking and Traffic Management Procedure

Physical Security Infrastructure and Equipment Procedure

Property, Plant and Equipment Assets Procedure

Related forms, publications and websites

Australian National Security, Escape.Hide.Tell

UniSQ Emergency Procedures Manual


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary


A personal safety mobile application, allowing registered users a quick and easy means of raising an alert for assistance....moreA personal safety mobile application, allowing registered users a quick and easy means of raising an alert for assistance.


A person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled....moreA person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled.


The term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland....moreThe term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland.

University Members

Persons who include: Employees of the University whose conditions of employment are covered by the UniSQ Enterprise Agreement whether full time or fractional, continuing, fixed-term or casual, including senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University; members of the University Council and University Committees; visiti...morePersons who include: Employees of the University whose conditions of employment are covered by the UniSQ Enterprise Agreement whether full time or fractional, continuing, fixed-term or casual, including senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University; members of the University Council and University Committees; visiting, honorary and adjunct appointees; volunteers who contribute to University activities or who act on behalf of the University; and individuals who are granted access to University facilities or who are engaged in providing services to the University, such as contractors or consultants, where applicable.

Definitions that relate to this procedure only


Lost Property, Third-party booking, Welfare check

Record No


Failure to comply with this Policy or Policy Instrument may be considered as misconduct and the provisions of the relevant Policy or Procedure applied.

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