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Motor Vehicle Policy and Procedure

Policy overview

1 Purpose

To effectively manage and control University owned motor vehicles.

2 Scope

This policy and procedure applies to all University owned motor vehicles.

3 Policy Statement

The University will provide motor vehicles and associated equipment, facilities, services and procedures to support its operations and to facilitate the movement of personnel and goods both on and off-campus. All vehicle-related financial transactions will comply with the University Financial Management Practice Manual and Purchasing Manual.

4 Principles

  1. Facilities Management and Divisions/Departments/Individuals with vehicle management responsibilities shall be responsible for supplying all University roadworthy vehicles as per the Motor Vehicle Selection Guidelines and ensuring that where appropriate, vehicles are labelled with the University branding.
  2. Decisions relating to the use of either University or private vehicles shall be based on maximising cost efficiencies. Generally the first preference shall be use of a University vehicle, followed by a hire vehicle or taxi, then a private vehicle.
  3. The University has adopted a user-pays principle for the operation of its motor vehicle pool. The Executive Director (Facilities Management) has the responsibility of setting vehicle charges. Charges are inclusive of fuel costs.
  4. University motor vehicles shall only be operated by persons holding appropriate current licences valid for driving in Queensland.
  5. Use of private vehicles for University business is not permitted except in circumstances where a motor pool vehicle is unavailable. More details on the use of private vehicles can be found in the Travel Policy. Use of external rental cars is preferred over private vehicles. Rental cars may be obtained via the UniSQ Corporate Travel Office.

5 Procedures

5.1 All University Vehicles

  1. University vehicles shall only be driven by University Employees or the following classes of non-Employees as authorised by the Executive Director (Facilities Management).
    1. Family members of senior Employees. Rules regarding family members of senior Employees who have personal use of University motor vehicles is described in the Packaged Vehicle Agreement.
    2. Researchers, visiting fellows/lecturers, guests of the University, official visitor.
    3. Post-graduate Students of the University.
    4. Members of Council.
  2. University vehicles shall not be used for private purposes (excluding Packaged Vehicles).
  3. Drivers in charge of University vehicles are personally responsible for the payment of fines associated with parking, speeding or other traffic breaches incurred whilst in possession of a University vehicle.
  4. Where the driver of a University vehicle is involved in a motor vehicle accident or breakdown, they shall follow the procedures as set out in the vehicle.
  5. Motor vehicles shall be allocated either to the University's Transport Motor Pool, managed by Facilities Management or to Divisions/Departments and through employment contracts, to individuals.
  6. Divisions/Departments may make direct Transport Motor Pool bookings through Facilities Management for same day travel not associated with accommodation and/or air fares visit for current process.
  7. User Divisions/Departments are billed on a regular basis by Facilities Management through the University's General Journal system, with vehicle log book entries used to cost and apportion charges according to the 'debit' details provided at time of booking.
  8. Vehicle bookings are subject to availability and vehicles will be matched to the functional need. The Executive Director (Facilities Management) reserves the right to deny bookings on reasonable grounds.

5.2 Pool Vehicles

  1. Transport Motor Pool users must not use vehicles for any private travel other than when a vehicle is taken home for the sole purpose of commencing a business journey from the Employee's home early the next morning. Similarly, where a business journey ceases in the evening after business hours and the vehicle is returned to the car pool early the next morning. Other than this 'incidental' private use, pool car bookings will only be accepted where the use is 100% business travel.
  2. Facilities Management shall be responsible for cleaning, maintaining and controlling the usage of motor pool vehicles, keeping log books and records, charging maintenance/running costs to Facilities Management and cost recovery from user Divisions/Departments.
  3. Usage charges shall be set at a rate sufficient to recover the costs.
  4. All motor pool station wagons are fitted with cargo barriers. Requests to reconfigure the cargo barrier to allow folding down of the rear seats must be made at the time of vehicle booking. Approval of the Director (Estate Services) is required prior to carrying dangerous goods or biological materials within motor pool vehicles.
  5. For the purposes of collecting trip profile data and thereby informing fleet composition, log books shall be maintained for all applicable motor vehicles, except those assigned for personal use under a salary package.
  6. The Executive Director (Facilities Management) is the authorising officer for the purchase, disposal and replacement of University fleet vehicles. Administrative tasks associated with purchase/disposal action shall be the responsibility of Divisions/Departments/Individuals and Finance and Business Solutions as appropriate.
  7. Vehicle bookings are subject to availability and vehicles will be matched to the functional need. The Executive Director (Facilities Management) reserves the right to deny bookings.
  8. On collection of a motor pool vehicle, all Employees are required to produce a current Queensland driver's licence prior to being issued with the car keys.
  9. All vehicle pickups and returns are to be made from the following locations on each campus:
    1. Toowoomba - behind building O3
    2. Ipswich - Carpark 2
    3. Springfield - Carpark 2
  10. The location of car pool key boxes for each location are:
    1. Toowoomba - in the foyer of O2
    2. Ipswich - on the wall inside the Security office
    3. Springfield - on the wall outside the Security office
  11. Facilities Management and Divisions/Departments/Individuals with vehicle management responsibilities shall make provision in their operating budgets for:
    1. All capital expenses associated with initial and replacement purchases of vehicles
    2. All standing costs (registration, compulsory Third Party insurance, comprehensive insurance, RACQ membership fees, stamp duties etc.); and
    3. All operating costs (fuel, oil, maintenance, repairs and replacement parts).
  12. For the purposes of collecting trip profile data and thereby informing fleet composition, log books shall be maintained for all applicable motor vehicles, except those assigned for personal use under a salary package.
  13. All motor vehicle log books shall be in a form, which facilitates the keeping and processing of all the data, which the Commissioner of Taxation prescribes, and be kept for the purpose of assessing Fringe Benefits.
  14. University motor vehicles shall normally be garaged on campus, except for those motor vehicles assigned as part of remuneration packages or work requirements.

5.3 Packaged/Divisional Vehicles

  1. The Chief People Officer is the authorising officer for the purchase, disposal and replacement of vehicles approved as part of remuneration packages.
  2. Divisions/Departments/Individuals allocated vehicles on a permanent basis shall be responsible for controlling the usage of allocated vehicles, cleaning and maintaining the vehicles, keeping log books and other records, and charging maintenance/running costs by means of fleet management card or University's purchase order systems. Individuals are responsible for maintaining appropriate records of vehicle usage for driver identification purposes.
  3. Vehicles that are part of an employment package are not transferable to Divisions or Departments and will be sold or reallocated to another eligible Employee if the original Employee resigns prior to the planned disposal of the vehicle. Generally, vehicles will be replaced at a frequency which considers the following: optimal resale value, warranty period, kilometres travelled, increasing maintenance costs and vehicle appearance. The Executive Director (Facilities Management) will determine specific renewals in accordance with the above.

5.4 Special Purpose Vehicles

  1. All load carrying and special purpose vehicles used to support the University's construction, grounds, maintenance, printing services, security and stores programs shall be allocated to and managed by Facilities Management. All capital and operating expenses for these vehicles are to be charged to Facilities Management.

5.5 Purchasing and Disposal of Motor Vehicles

  1. The Executive Director (Facilities Management) is the authorising officer for the purchase, disposal and replacement of University fleet vehicles. The Chief People Officer is the authorising officer for the purchase, disposal and replacement of vehicles approved as part of remuneration packages.
  2. Administrative tasks associated with purchase/disposal action shall be the responsibility of Divisions/Departments/Individuals and Finance and Business Solutions as appropriate.
  3. The University purchases its motor vehicles through local dealers at fleet prices.
  4. The University's motor vehicle replacement policy is as follows:
    1. All vehicles will be replaced at a frequency which considers the following: optimal resale value, warranty period, kilometres travelled, increasing maintenance costs and vehicle appearance. The Executive Director (Facilities Management) will determine specific renewals in accordance with the above.
    2. Vehicles that are part of an employment package are not transferable to Divisions or Departments and will be sold or reallocated to another eligible Employee if the original Employee resigns prior to the planned disposal of the vehicle.
    3. Policy conditions do not apply when replacement action is necessary if the vehicle has been involved in an accident or has failed mechanically and has been assessed as being beyond economical repair.
    4. All vehicles are sold in accordance with Government Policy/Guidelines and generally at public auction in accordance with the auction conditions. Any other method of disposal will be subject to the approval of the Executive Director (Facilities Management).

5.6 Motor Vehicle Fleet composition and branding

  1. Vehicle branding shall be the responsibility of Facilities Management.
  2. The University operates a mixed fleet of passenger, load carrying and special purpose vehicles. The Executive Director (Facilities Management) will manage the fleet composition to minimise environmental impact whilst meeting the University's functional, safety and economic needs. This includes reviewing Division and Department business cases for new or replacement vehicles to determine whether that need can best be met through a pool vehicle or an allocated vehicle.
  3. All fleet vehicles will be adorned with the current standard University branding. Division or Department identification may be included on the driver and front passenger doors if required and will be consistent with the brand. Divisions/Departments should advise their requirements to Facilities Management at the time of procurement. Vehicles exclusively allocated to Marketing may carry additional graphics in order to promote a particular theme or message. Load carrying, special purpose and employment package vehicles will not be routinely branded.

5.7 Insurance

  1. The University holds compulsory Third Party Insurances on all road going vehicles registered with the Queensland Transport.
  2. The University holds Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurances on its motor vehicles, which covers the cost of damages to University owned vehicles, other motor vehicles and property resulting from an accident involving University owned vehicles.
  3. Currently, a standard excess applies to all claims with the Division/Department to which the vehicle is assigned/booked being responsible for payment.
  4. In addition, age excesses will apply to:
    1. Drivers under 21 years
    2. Drivers 21-25 years.
  5. Payment of age excesses is the responsibility of the Division/Department, which directed the driver to operate the vehicle on the occasion when the damage occurred.
  6. All non-Employees authorised to drive University vehicles are required to abide by University practices and procedures. Insurance cover for such persons will be provided to the extent applicable to operations by University Employees. The University reserves the right to take recovery action from an individual driver in the event of negligence. Drivers in charge of University vehicles are personally responsible for the payment of fines associated with parking, speeding or other traffic breaches incurred by them.

5.8 Breakdown Service

In addition to the manufacturers 'roadside assistance' programs, the University holds corporate membership with the RACQ that provides a breakdown service to nominated University owned vehicles. An RACQ 'Fleet Care' tag, showing assistance contact details, shall be attached to each set of vehicle ignition keys.

5.9 Maintenance and Consumables

  1. University vehicles are maintained and supplied with consumables by external organisations including dealers and service stations. Most costs incurred are charged to the University through the fleet management card that is issued for individual vehicles. Each card is embossed with the vehicle registration number and may only be used to purchase goods and services from accredited service stations/providers for the vehicle described. Goods and services that may be purchased on the card include fuel, oil, mechanical repairs, services, spare parts etc.
  2. Facilities Management is responsible for arranging the maintenance, repair and cleaning of Transport Motor Pool Vehicles. Responsibility for all other vehicles rests with the Division/Department/Individual to whom the vehicle is assigned/allocated. Refuelling of vehicles is the responsibility of the Division/Department/Driver. It is the responsibility of drivers to satisfy themselves as to the roadworthiness of allocated vehicles and to report any defects noted as soon as possible.

5.10 Fringe Benefit Tax

  1. The University is required to pay Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) to the Australian Tax Office on those elements of usage of University vehicles that are of a private nature. FBT liabilities for non-pool vehicles are met by Divisions/Departments/Individuals which are required to make provision in their annual operating budgets for FBT liabilities associated with motor vehicle us.
  2. For Transport Motor Pool vehicles, the University uses the 'Operating Cost Method' of assessing FBT.

6 References


7 Schedules

This policy must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

8 Policy Information

Accountable Officer

Executive Director (Facilities Management)

Responsible Officer

Director (Estate Services)

Policy Type

Executive Policy

Policy Suite

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date

Relevant Legislation

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Travel Policy

Related Procedures

Related forms, publications and websites

Financial Management Practice Manual

UniSQ Vehicle Selection Guide (under development)


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary


Council means the governing body, the University of Southern Queensland Council....moreCouncil means the governing body, the University of Southern Queensland Council.


A person employed by the University and whose conditions of employment are covered by the Enterprise Agreement and includes persons employed on a continuing, fixed term or casual basis. Employees also include senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University....moreA person employed by the University and whose conditions of employment are covered by the Enterprise Agreement and includes persons employed on a continuing, fixed term or casual basis. Employees also include senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University.


A person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled....moreA person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled.


The term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland....moreThe term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland.

Definitions that relate to this policy only


Vehicle, Car, Motor, Fleet, Travel, Motor Vehicle and Travel Fatigue

Record No


Failure to comply with this Policy or Policy Instrument may be considered as misconduct and the provisions of the relevant Policy or Procedure applied.

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