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Educational Partnerships - Coursework Dual and Joint Awards Procedure

Procedure overview

1 Purpose

To provide a framework for the establishment, monitoring and termination of Coursework Dual and Joint Award agreements between the University and other educational institutions.

2 Scope

This Procedure applies to Coursework Dual and Joint Awards.

This Procedure does not apply to:

3 Procedure Overview

This procedure outlines the process for assessing, establishing, monitoring and reviewing arrangements which include the delivery of Coursework Dual and Joint Awards in accordance with the University's strategic goals and its obligations as a registered higher education provider.

This Procedure aligns with the:

  • Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021: Standards 1.5 (Qualifications and Certification); 3.1 (Course Design); 5.4 (Delivery with Other Parties)
  • National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018: Standard 2 Recruitment of an overseas student.

4 Procedures

Dual and Joint Awards are established by the University to provide Students with access to the best possible combinations of studies to meet their educational and professional aspirations, and to create opportunities for Students to participate in collaborative Awards which are beyond the scope of a single institution to offer.

New Dual and Joint Awards may be proposed by areas of the University as opportunities arise through existing partnerships or in recognition of the needs of a Student cohort.

The University (UniSQ) enters into arrangements for the delivery of programs jointly with other domestic or international institutions in a number of ways, including by establishing:

  • a Joint Award, under which a Coursework Program is delivered jointly by UniSQ and one or more partner institutions. Upon completion of the program, a Student receives a single Award conferred jointly by those institutions
  • a Dual Award, under which a Student is enrolled concurrently at two institutions and is conferred an Award from each institution on completion of all program requirements.

Consideration of a Coursework Dual and Joint Award partnership will be guided by the following criteria:

  • the partnership is in alignment with UniSQ's vision, values, and strategic priorities
  • the academic standards of the Coursework Dual or Joint Award and the Student learning experience are equivalent to those of comparable Awards conferred solely by UniSQ and enable Students to achieve the required Program Learning Outcomes.

Proposals for new Dual or Joint Awards may be initiated by any Employee using the applicable form available on UniSQ's service management system. Proposals must include:

  • evidence of consultation with all relevant academic and administrative areas expected to be involved in the delivery of the proposed arrangement
  • details of any resourcing requirements.

4.1 Proposal assessment

Once all documents are submitted, the proposal is assessed by the assigned professional teams in consultation with the Dean (Academic) and relevant Heads/s of School.

As part of the assessment, due diligence is conducted to evaluate the following criteria:

  • capacity of the partner institution to deliver the program to the academic standards required by UniSQ. This includes adequate staff qualifications, resources and facilities, Student support services and internal quality assurance processes
  • the capacity to enter into a legally binding Dual or Joint Award agreement with UniSQ
  • financial sustainability to deliver the program
  • compliance with all applicable laws, regulatory requirements and UniSQ policies
  • management of Risks of foreign interference in line with the Guidelines to counter foreign interference in the Australian university sector.

Based on the assessment and due diligence findings, a recommendation is made to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) and, where applicable, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) for further consideration.

4.2 Decision

Upon receiving the recommendation, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) and, where applicable, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (International), considers the proposal and determines whether the proposal:

  • proceeds to the next step;
  • is returned to the proposal initiator for further consultation and development; or
  • is deemed not viable or not sufficiently aligned with UniSQ's strategic priorities.

The outcome of the Decision is communicated to the proposal initiator and, if the proposal is deemed not viable, the request will be formally closed.

4.3 Negotiations and program development

Prior to the commencement of the partnership negotiations, a comprehensive business plan is developed detailing a cost and Risk analysis of the new arrangement to assess the feasibility, strengths and potential challenges of the proposed collaboration.

The business plan must outline an exit strategy, including the need for appropriate Teach-out arrangements, if the partner institution ceases operations or if the agreement is terminated.

Dual or Joint Award arrangements are negotiated with the potential partner by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs), or nominee, for domestic partners and the Pro Vice-Chancellor (International), or nominee, for international partners.

A Dual or Joint Award is a new program offering and is developed and approved in accordance with the Program Accreditation Procedure. Where the program has previously been approved for offering as a standalone UniSQ program, approval will still be required before the program can be offered as a reciprocal Joint or Dual Award.

4.3.1 Developing a new Dual Award

The program design process for a new Dual Award will be subject to a Stage 1 Initial program proposal, in accordance with Section 4.3.1 of the Program Accreditation Procedure. In consultation with the relevant School/College, the Dean (Academic):

  • undertakes preliminary consultation to outline the potential structure, benefits and goals of the proposed collaboration
  • establishes a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to formalise the commitment and create a framework for cooperation, roles, responsibilities and processes to be followed by both providers.

4.3.2 Developing a new Joint Award

Developing a Joint Award requires close collaboration between UniSQ and the partner institution to ensure the program meets the academic standards of both providers and satisfies any regulatory or accreditation requirements. The process typically involves joint decision-making, clear communication, and coordination between the parties to create a cohesive and high-quality academic offering.

Joint Award Curriculum Design is subject to the Coursework Curriculum Design Policy and subordinate Policy Instruments.

When developing a Joint Award program, the following requirements must be taken into account:

  • UniSQ's Admission standards and relevant program English language proficiency requirements
  • UniSQ's program requirements for a Student to qualify for a UniSQ Award
  • UniSQ's Assessment design and moderation requirements and the setting of academic standards with regards to its Courses.

All applicable policies of each institution will be adhered to under the Dual or Joint Award agreement. Explicit exceptions to UniSQ Policy Instruments must be approved by the Provost.

4.4 In-principle endorsement and approval

The business plan and the new Coursework Program approval are added to the documentation submitted with the initial proposal. Once combined, this full set of documents is forwarded to the Quality and Standards Committee for consideration.

Endorsed proposals are progressed to the agreement development stage. Proposals that are not endorsed may be returned to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) and, where applicable, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) for further consideration and development.

4.5 Establishment

4.5.1 Agreement content

Contractual agreements for Coursework Dual and Joint Awards will be managed through the University's centralised Contract Management System, using templates approved by the Legal Office.

Due diligence reports, background on the proposed partnership, and negotiated details must be provided when submitting the agreement request to the Legal Office.

At a minimum, the contractual agreement between the University and the partner institution will include provisions for Student administration, agreement management and governance mechanisms.

Student-related provisions include:

  • Admission requirements
  • specification of the partner institution's language of instruction and assessment, if applicable.
  • Enrolment status of Students (whether Students are to be enrolled at both institutions simultaneously or consecutively) and study load
  • living and other costs to be considered by the Student, for onshore program delivery
  • access to institutional resources through the relevant learning management system or other mechanisms
  • Credit arrangements, where applicable
  • collection and handling of Personal Information, including by a third party
  • conditions for Students to exit the Award, where applicable
  • Student Grievance resolution, Review of Decision and Appeal processes.

Agreement management and governance provisions include:

  • fee setting
  • academic governance responsibilities and comparable processes at both institutions for Assessment, Academic and General Misconduct, program quality assurance and monitoring of Academic Progress
  • Title of the Award to be conferred
  • process for notifying the partner institution of any changes to the program of study
  • processes for monitoring and reviewing Dual and Joint Award agreements and conditions for the renewal or termination of the agreement, in accordance with Section 4.9 of this Procedure
  • the agreement end date and provisions for Students enrolled at that date, including any Teach-out arrangements, where applicable
  • process for dispute resolution.
  • No intakes of Students into the Joint or Dual Award will be made other than in accordance with the agreement.

In addition to the above conditions, the agreement for a Joint Award must include a mechanism for overseeing and resolving academic governance issues between UniSQ and the partner institution.

Matters requiring further resolution should be referred to the Academic Board, or equivalent, of each institution. Where Academic Boards provide conflicting requirements, the dispute resolution section of the agreement will be invoked to resolve the matter.

4.5.2 Agreement execution

Once the agreement content has been finalised, the contractual agreement must be signed by the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of UniSQ. Fully executed agreements will be reported to the Provost via the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) and, where applicable, to the International Strategy Committee.

The Vice-Chancellor will inform Academic Board and Council of the execution of the partnership agreement and its commencement date.

If the delivery involves on-shore International Students, CRICOS registration must be initiated, and approval must be received before any International Student can participate in the Dual or Joint Award. A copy of the agreement will be retained on the Contract Management System.

4.6 Award conferral

For Dual Awards, each partner institution confers its own separate Award, resulting in two (or more) Awards. Where Awards are dual-badged, the UniSQ Testamur may include the logo of the partner institution and vice versa.

For Joint Awards, a single Award is jointly conferred by UniSQ and the partner institution. The certification takes the form of a single Testamur and includes a statement recognising the Joint Award, with equal prominence given to both institutions' names and emblems.

Students undertaking a jointly conferred program may choose to have their Award conferred by either their 'host' or 'home' institution.

4.7 Exiting an Award

Students may be provided with the opportunity to exit their Dual or Joint Award. If this option is available, Exit Awards and paths must be specified in the contractual agreement. Students must be fully advised of their exit options before enrolling in the Joint or Dual Award and at key points throughout their studies.

4.7.1 Dual Awards

Students who choose to exit their Dual Award studies may complete a single Award with one institution.

Where a Decision is made to discontinue a Dual Award, arrangements will be made to ensure that Students receive opportunities to fulfill their academic goals, including via Exit Award degrees and clear advice on eligible Credit Transfer.

4.7.2 Joint Awards

A Joint Award may include exit points that allow a Student to exit with a different AQF qualification. Such options may only be provided with the agreement and input of all partner institutions.

4.8 Monitoring and review

Dual and Joint Award arrangements will be subject to the relevant review and monitoring processes specified in the contractual agreement to ensure the partnership is operating as intended.

Course and program quality will be monitored and reviewed in accordance with UniSQ's academic quality assurance monitoring and review processes. Review outcomes will be included in annual quality assurance reporting to Academic Board.

4.9 Renewal and termination

Before renewing any Dual or Joint Award agreement, the arrangement will be reviewed to ensure that the contractual obligations of each partner institution are being effectively implemented and that the academic, business and strategic case for continuing the arrangement remains warranted.

The responsibilities and authority to approve the renewal of a Dual or Joint Award arrangement are the same as for the initial establishment, as outlined in Section 4.5.2.

4.9.1 Termination of an agreement

Dual and Joint Award agreements may be terminated prior to the expiry of an agreement, if the University determines that there is no longer a need to maintain the Dual or Joint Award, or in accordance with the termination or exit clauses in the agreement.

Termination must be approved by the Vice-Chancellor, following a recommendation from the International Strategy Committee for international partners or the Quality and Standards Committee for domestic partners.

Where a Dual or Joint Award is terminated in advance of the agreement's nominated expiry date, UniSQ must notify Students of the arrangement termination. Appropriate advice, support and Transition arrangements must be initiated for currently enrolled Students, as outlined in the agreement and in accordance with the Program Change, Suspension and Discontinuation Procedure.

5 References


6 Schedules

This procedure must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

7 Procedure Information

Accountable Officer


Responsible Officer

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)

Policy Type

University Procedure

Policy Suite

Educational Partnerships Policy

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020

Higher Education Support Act 2003

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Academic Programs and Courses Quality Policy

Admissions Policy

Award Eligibility and Graduation Policy

Coursework Curriculum Design Policy

Enrolment Policy

Handling Personal Student Information Policy and Procedure

Privacy Policy

Student Grievance Resolution Policy

Related Procedures

Admissions Procedure

Cotutelle PhD Program Procedure

Coursework Curriculum Design and Structure Procedure

Credit and Exemption Procedure

Enrolment Procedure

Joint PhD Proposal Procedure

Program Accreditation Procedure

Program Change, Suspension and Discontinuation Procedure

Student Appeals Procedure

Student Grievance Resolution Procedure

Related forms, publications and websites

Australian Qualifications Framework

Coursework Curriculum Design and Structure Schedule

Education Partner Application Form


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary

Academic Progress

Describes the status of a Student's progress towards successful completion of their coursework for each Study Period and towards completion of their program within the maximum given timeframe. Students who are successfully progressing through their studies would not be assigned to any of the Academic Progress stages outlined in the Student Academic Progress Procedure....moreDescribes the status of a Student's progress towards successful completion of their coursework for each Study Period and towards completion of their program within the maximum given timeframe. Students who are successfully progressing through their studies would not be assigned to any of the Academic Progress stages outlined in the Student Academic Progress Procedure.


The process of submission and assessment of applications for entry to study at the University....moreThe process of submission and assessment of applications for entry to study at the University.


A formal, written request made by a Student or Employee to a higher authority to have a Decision overturned....moreA formal, written request made by a Student or Employee to a higher authority to have a Decision overturned.


The qualification conferred upon a Student following the successful completion of an Academic Program. The categories of Award are listed in the Program Nomenclature Schedule ....moreThe qualification conferred upon a Student following the successful completion of an Academic Program. The categories of Award are listed in the Program Nomenclature Schedule .

Award Program

A sequence of study which leads to an academic qualification granted by the University and conferred by Council....moreA sequence of study which leads to an academic qualification granted by the University and conferred by Council.

Collaborative Double Degree

An arrangement with an overseas educational institution to offer a sequence of study consisting of UniSQ's program and the partner's program, which are independent yet complementary. There is usually formal mutual Credit recognition which allows Students to sequentially or concurrently study Courses in their home institution's program and UniSQ Courses. After successful completion of t...moreAn arrangement with an overseas educational institution to offer a sequence of study consisting of UniSQ's program and the partner's program, which are independent yet complementary. There is usually formal mutual Credit recognition which allows Students to sequentially or concurrently study Courses in their home institution's program and UniSQ Courses. After successful completion of the required Courses with both institutions, the Student may be eligible for an Award from the home institution and an Award from UniSQ. A collaborative double degree is conferred under a legally binding agreement and is typically unilateral, where only Students from the partner institution benefit from the arrangement.

Contract Management System

The 'Open Windows' system approved by the University to facilitate contract initiation, registration and management activities....moreThe 'Open Windows' system approved by the University to facilitate contract initiation, registration and management activities.


A doctoral degree program undertaken jointly at UniSQ and an international higher education institution, where a single thesis is submitted for independent examination by both universities. Student receives two testamurs (degree certificates) confirming that the degree is awarded under a cotutelle agreement....moreA doctoral degree program undertaken jointly at UniSQ and an international higher education institution, where a single thesis is submitted for independent examination by both universities. Student receives two testamurs (degree certificates) confirming that the degree is awarded under a cotutelle agreement.


Council means the governing body, the University of Southern Queensland Council....moreCouncil means the governing body, the University of Southern Queensland Council.


A discrete element of a program, normally undertaken over a single Study Period, in which the Student enrols, and on completion of which the Student is awarded a grade....moreA discrete element of a program, normally undertaken over a single Study Period, in which the Student enrols, and on completion of which the Student is awarded a grade.


A method of teaching and learning that leads to the acquisition of skills and knowledge and does not include a major research component....moreA method of teaching and learning that leads to the acquisition of skills and knowledge and does not include a major research component.

Coursework Program

A sequence of study consisting predominantly of Coursework....moreA sequence of study consisting predominantly of Coursework.


The number of units, up to a specified limit, granted towards a University Award on the basis of either previous Formal, Informal or Non-formal Learning. Credit reduces the number of Courses required to complete an Award Program....moreThe number of units, up to a specified limit, granted towards a University Award on the basis of either previous Formal, Informal or Non-formal Learning. Credit reduces the number of Courses required to complete an Award Program.

Credit Transfer

A process that provides Students with agreed and consistent Credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and Learning Outcomes between matched qualifications....moreA process that provides Students with agreed and consistent Credit outcomes for components of a qualification based on identified equivalence in content and Learning Outcomes between matched qualifications.

Curriculum Design

The process of intentionally crafting the architecture of the entire suite of learning activities and experiences that a student will undertake in order to successfully complete a program, courses or study component to achieve the stated learning outcomes....moreThe process of intentionally crafting the architecture of the entire suite of learning activities and experiences that a student will undertake in order to successfully complete a program, courses or study component to achieve the stated learning outcomes.


A determination made by an Employee, contractor or other authorised delegate in the course of their duties on behalf of the University....moreA determination made by an Employee, contractor or other authorised delegate in the course of their duties on behalf of the University.

Double Degree

Two individually approved programs undertaken concurrently. The requirements for each program and Major or Specialisation must be completed but by cross recognition of Courses and content between the two programs the two degrees can be completed more quickly if the necessary program structure is determined from the outset. Students receive two degrees and two Testamurs....moreTwo individually approved programs undertaken concurrently. The requirements for each program and Major or Specialisation must be completed but by cross recognition of Courses and content between the two programs the two degrees can be completed more quickly if the necessary program structure is determined from the outset. Students receive two degrees and two Testamurs.

Dual Award

A jointly conceived program between the University and an educational partner, where each institution is responsible for its own Award, however the two components together form a single educational experience. Dual Awards are approved according to the University's program accreditation procedures. There is usually cross-transfer of Credit to allow Students to complete both Awards in a shorte...moreA jointly conceived program between the University and an educational partner, where each institution is responsible for its own Award, however the two components together form a single educational experience. Dual Awards are approved according to the University's program accreditation procedures. There is usually cross-transfer of Credit to allow Students to complete both Awards in a shorter time than if they were completed separately. On completion of all program requirements, Students receive two separate Awards, one awarded by the University and one awarded by the partner institution, each with its own Testamur. A Dual Award is conferred under a legally binding arrangement and typically includes reciprocal Student mobility.


A person employed by the University and whose conditions of employment are covered by the Enterprise Agreement and includes persons employed on a continuing, fixed term or casual basis. Employees also include senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University....moreA person employed by the University and whose conditions of employment are covered by the Enterprise Agreement and includes persons employed on a continuing, fixed term or casual basis. Employees also include senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University.


The process of admitting Students to one or more Courses for the current Academic Year....moreThe process of admitting Students to one or more Courses for the current Academic Year.

General Misconduct

Behaviour or conduct which is contrary to expected Student conduct outlined in the Student General Conduct Policy....moreBehaviour or conduct which is contrary to expected Student conduct outlined in the Student General Conduct Policy.


Typically defined as a concern or Complaint raised by an Employee against a process, action, omission or Decision within the responsibility and control of the University which relates to employment or related internal People Portfolio matters, which has or is likely to have an unreasonable negative impact on the ability of an Employee to undertake their duties, or similar impact on the...moreTypically defined as a concern or Complaint raised by an Employee against a process, action, omission or Decision within the responsibility and control of the University which relates to employment or related internal People Portfolio matters, which has or is likely to have an unreasonable negative impact on the ability of an Employee to undertake their duties, or similar impact on their career.

Head of School/College

An academic staff member responsible for the administration of the Course offerings in one or more discipline areas....moreAn academic staff member responsible for the administration of the Course offerings in one or more discipline areas.

International Student

A Student who is not an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident or the holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa....moreA Student who is not an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident or the holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.

Joint Award

A joint program between the University and an educational partner involving close cooperation in the design of the program, program delivery, assessment of Learning Outcomes and requirements for completion. Joint Awards are approved according to the University's program accreditation procedures. On completion of all program requirements, Students receive one single Award, with a single Testa...moreA joint program between the University and an educational partner involving close cooperation in the design of the program, program delivery, assessment of Learning Outcomes and requirements for completion. Joint Awards are approved according to the University's program accreditation procedures. On completion of all program requirements, Students receive one single Award, with a single Testamur jointly conferred by the University and the educational partner. A Joint Award is conferred under a legally binding arrangement and typically includes reciprocal student mobility.

Learning Outcomes

The expression of the set of knowledge, skills and the application of the knowledge and skills a person has acquired and is able to demonstrate as a result of learning....moreThe expression of the set of knowledge, skills and the application of the knowledge and skills a person has acquired and is able to demonstrate as a result of learning.

Personal Information

Is information or an opinion, including information or an opinion forming part of a database, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion....moreIs information or an opinion, including information or an opinion forming part of a database, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion.

Policy Instrument

A Policy Instrument refers to an instrument that is governed by the Policy framework. These include Policies, Procedures and Schedules....moreA Policy Instrument refers to an instrument that is governed by the Policy framework. These include Policies, Procedures and Schedules.


An operational instruction that sets out the process to operationalise a Policy....moreAn operational instruction that sets out the process to operationalise a Policy.

Program Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes are the expression of the set of knowledge, skills and the application of the knowledge and skills a person has acquired and is able to demonstrate as a result of completing a Program....moreProgram Learning Outcomes are the expression of the set of knowledge, skills and the application of the knowledge and skills a person has acquired and is able to demonstrate as a result of completing a Program.

Review of Decision

A merits review of a Decision made by the University in relation to a Student matter where the relevant policy or procedure relating to the matter allows for a review of Decision. The Review of Decision will be undertaken in accordance with the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure....moreA merits review of a Decision made by the University in relation to a Student matter where the relevant policy or procedure relating to the matter allows for a review of Decision. The Review of Decision will be undertaken in accordance with the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure.


The effect of uncertainty on objectives....moreThe effect of uncertainty on objectives.


A person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled....moreA person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled.

Student Grievance

A problem or concern raised by a Student who considers they have been negatively impacted because of an action, determination or omission within the control or responsibility of the University. Student Grievances are resolved in accordance with the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure and must be related directly to a Student's studies at the University and the outcome must directly ...moreA problem or concern raised by a Student who considers they have been negatively impacted because of an action, determination or omission within the control or responsibility of the University. Student Grievances are resolved in accordance with the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure and must be related directly to a Student's studies at the University and the outcome must directly impact the Student.

Study Hub

A facility which Students can use to study online Courses and may include access to study spaces, the Internet, student support services and breakout rooms to facilitate Student-to-Student interactions....moreA facility which Students can use to study online Courses and may include access to study spaces, the Internet, student support services and breakout rooms to facilitate Student-to-Student interactions.


Prohibition from enrolling in a Course or program for a specified period due to misconduct....moreProhibition from enrolling in a Course or program for a specified period due to misconduct.


An arrangement that has been put in place for a prescribed period to provide a reasonable opportunity for Students to complete a discontinued program, without disadvantage....moreAn arrangement that has been put in place for a prescribed period to provide a reasonable opportunity for Students to complete a discontinued program, without disadvantage.


A certificate issued by the Council of the University to signify that a Student has satisfied the requirements of a specific program and has graduated....moreA certificate issued by the Council of the University to signify that a Student has satisfied the requirements of a specific program and has graduated.


A term used to specify a particular academic rank or recognise a particular contribution to the University or the community....moreA term used to specify a particular academic rank or recognise a particular contribution to the University or the community.


Refers to the whole of the Student journey across flexible pathways and programs, moving into University and out into the professional workforce, and the transitions in between. The University's transition pedagogy fosters Student success and engagement and supports Students on their journey as they transition within varied contexts of learning environments, study, diversity, community...moreRefers to the whole of the Student journey across flexible pathways and programs, moving into University and out into the professional workforce, and the transitions in between. The University's transition pedagogy fosters Student success and engagement and supports Students on their journey as they transition within varied contexts of learning environments, study, diversity, community and work integrated learning.


The term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland....moreThe term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland.


The person bearing the title of Vice-Chancellor and President, or as otherwise defined in the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998 , including a person acting in that position....moreThe person bearing the title of Vice-Chancellor and President, or as otherwise defined in the University of Southern Queensland Act 1998 , including a person acting in that position.

Definitions that relate to this procedure only


Record No


Failure to comply with this Policy or Policy Instrument may be considered as misconduct and the provisions of the relevant Policy or Procedure applied.

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