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Enrolment Procedure

Procedure overview

1 Purpose

To set out the processes for enrolling Students.

2 Scope

This procedure applies to Enrolment at all locations in all Coursework Programs and Courses at the University.

3 Procedure Overview

This procedure outlines the processes for enrolling Students.

This Procedure aligns with the:

  • Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021: Standard 1.1 Admissions
  • National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students (2018): Standard 3: Formalisation of Enrolment and Written Agreements, Standard 9: Deferring, Suspending or Cancelling the Overseas Student's Enrolment

4 Procedures

4.1 Student Responsibility

Students are responsible for the following:

  • planning their pattern of study to meet all Course and program requirements;
  • ensuring their Enrolment details, including all contact information, as recorded by the University are correct;
  • ensuring they are correctly enrolled in Courses and have selected their academic plan/Major/Specialisation and where appropriate have nominated a primary Major, in accordance with the recommended Enrolment pattern for their program;
  • modifying their Enrolment when their circumstances make it unlikely that they can successfully undertake the study of a Course;
  • ensuring that their Enrolment, including load requirements, comply with Australian Student Visa requirements if applicable;
  • being aware of their fee liability, and to pay their fees in full by the relevant published payment due date. Failure to do so will result in restrictions and cancellations detailed in the Student Debt Management Procedure; and
  • completing the objectives and Assessment Items of the enrolled Course by the due date.

4.2 Contact by the University

All Student communication in relation to Enrolment will occur by Notice to the Student's University-issued email account.

All incarcerated Students enrolling will be required to sign a Student Consent Form prior to Enrolment which allows the University to apply an indicator to their record so that additional support can be provided. Additionally, the Student Consent Form facilitates the automatic acknowledgment of an Authorised Representative from the Student's Correctional Centre in accordance with the Student Authority to Act Procedure. Incarcerated Students may nominate an alternative Authorised Representative to act on their behalf in accordance with the Student Authority to Act Procedure.

4.3 Commonwealth Supported Places

Students who are in a Commonwealth Supported Place are required to submit a Request for Commonwealth Support and a HECS-HELP online form prior to Census Date at the commencement of each program.

Failure to submit a Request for Commonwealth Support and HECS-HELP forms by the Census Date for the Study Period will result in cancellation of Enrolment.

Students who are in a Commonwealth Supported Place and who are required to make an up-front payment of their Student Contribution Amount must pay in full by the published due date for the Study Period.

Students who are eligible to defer their Student Contribution Charge to a HECS-HELP loan must supply their tax file number by the Census Date for that Study Period.

Failure to supply a tax file number (or alternatively make full payment of the up-front Student Contribution Charge) by the Census Date for the Study Period will result in cancellation of Enrolment.

Students who are in a Commonwealth Supported Place and who are eligible to defer their Student Amenities Fee should submit a request for SA-HELP online form prior to the Census Date at the commencement of each program.

Students who are in a Commonwealth Supported Place are not permitted to study more than 16 units per year across all tertiary institutions in Australia.

4.4 International Students studying on-campus under an Australian Student Visa

The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act (2000) and the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students (2018) requires that International Students studying on-campus under an Australian Student Visa meet specified Enrolment conditions whilst studying.

International on-campus Students at the University must not enrol in more than two online Courses in each Academic Year of their program and enrol in at least one on-campus Course each compulsory Study Period to remain compliant. Where a Student is studying the last Course of their program, this may be online. International Students studying on-campus under an Australian Student Visa will be provided with an Enrolment plan on admission and at the beginning of each Academic Year to guide Enrolment for the current calendar year of study. International on-campus Students are required to enrol in the equivalent of a Full-Time Study load for the remaining compulsory Study Periods in that calendar year.

International Students studying on-campus under an Australian Student Visa must seek advice from Student Administration before dropping a Course or changing a Major.

Students will be required to complete a reduced study load or Leave of Absence application and meet grounds of Special Circumstances where their Enrolment does not meet the conditions specified above.

4.5 Adding and dropping Courses

Students must add Courses to their Enrolment and drop Courses from their Enrolment before the dates specified in the Important Dates published on the University website.

Students may alter their Enrolment by dropping Courses via their Online Student Centre prior to the Census Date for the Study Period.

Students who drop Courses after the Census Date will incur financial penalty and may incur academic penalty. For Higher Degree by Research Students in a Research Training Scheme (RTS) place, this will consume part of their RTS allocation. Therefore, to drop Courses after the Census Date:

  • without academic penalty and with fee/RTS allocation reversal, refer to the conditions set out in Section 4.9 of these procedures; or
  • without academic penalty only, providing the drop occurs prior to the date specified in the Important Dates, refer to the conditions set out in Section 4.8 of these procedures.

Students are unable to drop a Course(s) after the last teaching day of the Study Period.

Students are responsible for ensuring that they have satisfied all published Enrolment and pre-requisite requirements for all Courses in which they are, or wish to be, enrolled.

The University may on occasion vary Students' Enrolment by amending, adding or deleting Courses as considered appropriate and in accordance with recommended Enrolment patterns, Enrolment requirements, or for other appropriate reasons.

4.6 Change of personal details

Students and Graduates who would like to correct or change personal details recorded on the University's Student system may request to do so by completing a Change of Name and Personal Details Form.

Students may request to:

  • Change or correct their enrolled (primary) name;
  • Change or correct their title;
  • Change or correct their gender;
  • Not identify with either male or female; or
  • Correct their date of birth.

All requests to correct or change personal details must be supported by appropriate documentation including, but not limited to the following:

  • Australian State or Territory issued certificates, such as a birth, marriage or change of name certificate;
  • a valid passport;
  • a driver's licence; or
  • a national identity card.

A Student will not be issued with a Student ID card where their University personal details do not match their formal legal documentation.

4.6.1 Diacritical marks

Students may request diacritical marks to be displayed in their name on all official graduation documentation by completing the Change of Name and Personal Details Form. Diacritical marks will not be displayed in general Student Notices or printed University documents.

4.6.2 Change of gender

Students and Graduates who would like to correct or change the gender recorded in the University's Student system may request to do so by completing a Change of Name and Personal Details Form.

All requests to correct or change personal details must be supported by appropriate documentation including, but not limited to the following:

  • A statement from a registered medical practitioner or registered psychologist;
  • An Australian State or Territory issued certificate which specifies preferred gender or that a change of sex has been accepted, such as a birth or gender recognition certificate; or
  • A valid passport which specifies preferred gender.

Students and Graduates who choose not to identify as either male or female will be identified as either 'Unknown' or 'Other'. Students and Graduates who would like to update their gender information at a later date to either male or female will need to provide appropriate documentation in accordance with this procedure.

4.7 Elite athletes

The University is committed to providing support for Students who are elite athletes and acknowledges the value of integrating sporting and academic aspirations.

4.7.1 Program eligibility

For a Student to be recognised by the University as an elite athlete they must be identified by the:

  • Australian Institute of Sport (AIS);
  • State Institute or Academy of Sport;
  • Australian Sports Commission, including coaches and dance artists registered with the Securing Career Opportunities and Professional Employment (SCOPE); or
  • a relevant national association as outlined in the AIS Guiding Principles for Elite Athlete Friendly Universities (EAFU);

Where a Student athlete falls outside of these organisations, consideration may still be given for participation in the program.

4.7.2 Program registration and requirements

In order to participate in the elite athlete program, Students must complete the Elite Athlete Registration Form (online) and provide any relevant and required supporting documentation. All elite athletes will have the opportunity to nominate an Authorised Representative to act on their behalf through the program registration process and in accordance with the Student Authority to Act Procedure.

In order to meet the requirements of their academic and sporting commitments, Students who are registered as an elite athlete must:

  • identify themselves as an elite athlete to their Course leaders at the commencement of each Study Period;
  • be responsible for contacting their Course leaders in the first instance for advice and guidance on academic planning and to negotiate flexibility with assessment; and
  • advise the University when their responsibilities with the relevant sporting association ceases and/or they no longer meet the program eligibility requirements.

Authorised Representatives of an elite athlete should contact the Student Support Coordinator in the first instance to discuss any matters relating to the Student's study and sporting requirements.

4.8 Non-contributory Courses

The University recognises that there may be occasions where Course(s) already completed will not contribute to a program or where the allowable timeframe for program completion has been exceeded. In such cases, Course(s) may be made non-contributory.

Courses within a program can only be made non-contributory in the following instances:

  • where the maximum timeframe to complete a program will be exceeded. If Courses from a designated timeframe are made non-contributory, all Courses prior to that timeframe must also be made non-contributory. Courses cannot be made non-contributory where there is sufficient allowable timeframe to complete the program;
  • where Course(s) completed in a program do not form part of the program structure and therefore should not be counted towards the completion of that program. For example, a Student having completed a Course(s) outside of their program's recommended Enrolment pattern;
  • where a Student has been identified as being over-enrolled;
  • where a Course(s) has a clinical component and is considered to be out of date;
  • where the admit term for a program has been reset at the time of return to study, due to the maximum timeframe to complete a program being exceeded, all Courses completed prior to the new admit term will be made non-contributory.

Course(s) cannot be made non-contributory where a fail Grade (F, FNP, FNC, FNS as set out in the Assessment policy and its pursuant procedures) has been recorded. Except where the admit term for the program has been reset at the time of return to study.

Course(s) may be designated as non-contributory to a Student's program only at the written request of the Dean (Academic).

These procedures do not preclude the University from granting Credits/Exemptions on the basis of designated non-contributory Courses.

Making Courses non-contributory are not grounds for Special Circumstances and therefore are not a valid reason for extending a Student's Confirmation of Enrolment (COE).

4.8.1 Over-Enrolment

Students will be considered to be over-enrolled where they have completed more Courses than set out in the required Enrolment pattern and are usually identified through the assessment of graduation eligibility.

Where a Student is considered to be over-enrolled, the relevant School/College will determine whether a Course(s) will be:

  • made non-contributory to the program of study; or
  • dropped due to University error; or
  • charged additional fees where Commonwealth support eligibility compliance has not been met.

Students are responsible for ensuring that they are not over-enrolled at any time during their studies, including where a Course(s) has been renamed and the Student has previously completed this Course(s) successfully.

Enrolling in the same Course(s) for a second time where the previous attempt has not yet been graded may also lead to over-enrolment where the Course is later awarded a passing Final Grade. In this circumstance, Students are responsible for dropping their Course(s) prior to the Census Date for the given Study Period.

Where a Student is over-enrolled, the Dean (Academic) may, on occasion, approve a Course(s) to contribute to the graduating Student's program and Grade Point Average (GPA).

For International Student studying under an Australian Student Visa, over-enrolment will not be considered grounds for Special Circumstances, and therefore is not a valid reason for extending a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE).

4.9 Withdrawal without academic penalty only

Students wishing to drop Courses without academic penalty only must do so before the specified date for the relevant Study Period published in the Important Dates section of the University website. A Final Grade of 'WAP - Withdrawal without Academic Penalty Only' will not be granted retrospectively.

Students must submit their request in writing or by email using their University-issued email address.

Students who receive a penalty that affects their Marks due to Academic Misconduct will not be permitted to withdraw without academic penalty from the associated Course.

Students who drop Courses after Census Date but before the last date to drop without academic penalty only (as specified in the Important Dates published on the University website) will still incur financial liability for those Courses. For Higher Degree Research Students allocated a Research Training Scheme (RTS) place this will mean part of their RTS allocation will be consumed.

4.10 Withdrawal without academic penalty and with fee reversal

Students who have not received or are unable to access required study resources should drop their Course(s) by the Census Date of the relevant Study Period.

Students who withdraw from their Course(s) after the Census Date may, on the basis of Special Circumstances, apply in writing to the University to have their:

  • academic penalty waived; and
  • FEE-HELP balance re-credited; or
  • HECS-HELP debt remitted; or
  • up-front payment of a Student Contribution Amount refunded; or
  • up-front payment of a student contribution in respect of a Course consisting wholly of Work Experience in Industry (WEI) fees refunded; or
  • Research Training Scheme funding allocation restored

The University may, at its sole discretion, determine whether Special Circumstances are satisfied and whether the Student meets the relevant criteria outlined within the Assessment of Special Circumstances Procedure.

To be eligible for a waiver of academic penalty, reversal of fees or remission of HELP debt, Students must apply in written format, within 12 months of the withdrawal date, or, if the person has not withdrawn, within 12 months of the end of the period of study in which the Course was or was to be undertaken. A Student cannot apply if they have successfully completed the Course.

Applications must be submitted for assessment to the University to be assessed by the relevant nominated representative as appointed by the Provost.

  • Applications can be mailed or sent via email using the University-issued email account and must include a statement and sufficient documentation to support the claim. All documentation must be either original or certified original copies.
  • Details of required supporting documentation are outlined under the Assessment of Special Circumstances Procedure.
  • International Students studying under an Australian Student Visa must also include an approved reduced study load or Leave of Absence application in accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000.

As stated in the Administration Information for Providers (AIP) 19.8, there is no capacity under the Higher Education Support Act (HESA) 2003 for a provider to remit any Student Services and Amenities Fee debt incurred by a Student or refund any upfront payments of the Student Services and Amenities Fee.

Students will be advised of the outcome of their request to drop a Course without academic penalty and with fee reversal within 30 calendar days of receipt of the request at the University. Students will also be advised of their right for a Review of the Decision if they are dissatisfied with the outcome.

If a request to drop a Course without academic penalty and with fee reversal is approved, the University must remit any HELP debt acquired for the Course and refund any up-front payments of the Student Contribution Charge made in respect of the Course. For Higher Degree Research Students with an RTS place, the RTS funding allocation for the Course must be restored. For refunds of up-front tuition fees refer to the Refund of Student Fees Policy.

If a Student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the application, they may exercise their right to have the Decision reviewed in accordance with Section 4.4 Review of Stage 1 outcome or other Decision in the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure.

Students who are not satisfied with the outcome of their request to waive academic penalty with fee reversal must apply for a Review of Decision in accordance with Section 4.4 Review of Stage 1 outcome or other Decision in the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure within 28 calendar days from the date of the Notice of the Decision.

A nominee of the University independent of the representative reaching the original Decision, will act as the reviewing officer and will be appointed by the Provost.

The responsibilities of the reviewing officer include:

  • acknowledging receipt of the request for review;
  • providing Notice to the Student within 45 calendar Days of receiving the review application, of the reviewer's Decision and the reasons for making the Decision; and
  • advising the Student of their right to Appeal the reviewer's Decision within 28 calendar days to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) if the Student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the review; and
  • provide the Student with the contact details and address of the nearest AAT registry where necessary.

The Secretary of the relevant government department, or their delegate, will be the respondent for cases which are before the AAT. Upon receipt of notifications from the AAT, the relevant government department will notify the University in writing that an Appeal has been lodged. To enable the relevant government department to meet the 28-calendar day timeframe, the University must, within a further five (5) University Business Days, provide the relevant government department with copies of all documents it holds that are relevant to the external Appeal. These documents should be sent to the relevant government department by courier, Express Post or electronically. The University will retain all original documentation in accordance with usual record keeping practices.

4.11 Leave of Absence

Students studying an Award Program may request to take a Leave of Absence of up to six (6) months. Students may request a Leave of Absence for a further six (6) months if required.

Requests for a period of leave longer than one (1) full Academic Year must be approved by the relevant Program Director.

All periods of Leave of Absence shall be counted as part of the maximum period allowed for completion of the program as specified in the program requirements.

The University will automatically send a re-Enrolment communication to Students at the end of their approved Leave of Absence.

A Student who has never enrolled in a Course, is not enrolled in the current Study Period, and is not enrolled in a future Study Period, and does not have an approved Leave of Absence or Deferment, will have their Enrolment cancelled after Census Date. Students who seek to continue studies at the University must apply for re-admission.

In accordance with Australian Government regulations, International Students studying in Australia under an Australian Student Visa are permitted to defer or temporarily suspend their studies, including taking Leave of Absence, for a period of up to 12 months in any one period of leave on the grounds of Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances. Once the Leave of Absence has been approved, the University will notify the relevant government body that the Student's Enrolment is deferred or suspended.

4.12 Interruption to Enrolment

Subject to the provisions of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld), where the relevant Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) and the Director (Support for Learning) are of the opinion that the state of health of any Student gives cause for concern, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) or the Director (Support for Learning) may refer the matter to the Provost who will take such action as is considered necessary to safeguard the welfare and safety of the Student, the University, its Employees or Students, or any other associated parties. Such actions can include requiring the Student to seek external support or advice including medical advice or requiring the Student to undertake a Leave of Absence.

4.13 Return to study

A Student can request to return to study:

  • a program of study from which they have been cancelled and towards which they have studied Courses; or
  • a program of study from which they have been excluded or suspended.

Domestic Students should submit a written request to return to study to the relevant section of the University.

  • The Student's request for return to study will be forwarded to the relevant School/College for assessment. Assessment will include whether the program is still being offered; the Student's timeframe for completion; the Student's admit term; the Student's Exclusion history; the Student's eligibility to graduate status; and any outstanding fees.
  • If the School/College determines that the admit term is to be reset then all Courses previously studied need to be reviewed for non-contributory status as per the provisions under Section 4.8 of these procedures. Any Exemptions/Credits previously granted must also be removed but may be reapplied once the admit term is reset.
  • A Student's admit term should only be reset if not doing so would extend the period of completion of the Academic Program beyond the maximum stipulated period. Re-setting an admit term for a program can only be processed at the time return to study is requested and for the current Study Period.
  • A completed Return to Study Form (online) and non-contributory Course approval should be forwarded to the Enrolments Team for processing.

All International Students requesting return to study into a program from which they have been either cancelled or Excluded must submit a new application by applying online via the International Student online application process.

A Student whose application to return to study has been denied, and who has grounds for Appeal in accordance with the Student Appeals Procedure, has a right to submit an Academic Appeal in relation to the Decision.

4.14 Monitoring attendance for Non-Award Programs

In order to achieve satisfactory attendance in accordance with Standard 8 of the National Code 'Overseas Student Visa Requirements', International Students studying in a Non-Award Program under an Australian Student Visa must attend at least 80% of the scheduled Course contact hours.

Teachers record Student absence on a hard copy attendance register generated by administration Employees from the UniSQ College. The register is completed by the teacher and returned to the administration office at the end of each session. Attendance is then recorded daily in an electronic database.

A Student will be considered absent if they do not attend class or if they miss a portion of their class without prior arrangement with the class teacher. The accumulated absence will be subtracted from the Student's overall attendance for the projected Course hours.

Students who are absent from class for a period of more than three days are required to provide relevant supporting documentation in accordance with the Assessment of Special Circumstances Procedure. Students who are absent for more than five consecutive days will be sent a Notice and be required to attend counselling with the UniSQ College Program Coordinator. Students may be reported to the relevant Australian Government department for failing to meet attendance requirements.

The Program Coordinator is responsible for reviewing Student attendance at the end of each week and determining an overall attendance percentage for each Student.

  1. Students who are considered at risk of falling below the 80% minimum attendance requirements will receive counselling by the Program Coordinator regarding the implications of falling below the 80% requirement and will be sent a Notice. Students will be warned that the University intends to report them to the relevant government department for failing to meet attendance requirements should they fall below 80% attendance.
  2. When a Student's attendance falls below the 80% requirement and there is sufficient time remaining in the Course for the Student to improve their attendance, a Notice will be sent to the Student advising their attendance will be monitored closely over a period of two (2) weeks. If the Student's attendance improves and meets the 80% minimum requirement, the Student's attendance will be monitored in accordance with the above point 1. If the Student's attendance does not improve and the Student does not meet the 80% minimum requirement, the Student's case will be managed in accordance with the below point 3.
  3. When a Student's attendance is determined to be less than the 80% requirement and there is insufficient time in the Course for the attendance to be redeemed, Notice will be sent to the Student advising they have failed to meet satisfactory attendance requirements. The Student will be informed of the University's intention to report them to the relevant government department, and they will be informed of their right to a Review of Decision in accordance with Section 4.4 Review of Decision in the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure. Students must attend classes during the review process.

In the case where a Student requests a Review of Decision and has attended at least 70% of the scheduled contact hours in a Study Period, the program's coordinator may consider that the Student has achieved satisfactory attendance.

Students must submit their request for a Review of Decision in accordance with Section 4.4 of the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure. All requests for a Review of Decision are to be submitted to the Head of College and Dean (Pathways Education) within 20 University Business Days of the date receipt of their Notice.

A reviewing officer nominated by the Head of College and Dean (Pathways Education), will review all requests for a Review of Decision in accordance with Standard 8 of the National Code 'Overseas Student Visa Requirements'.

Following consideration of the review request, the Student will be notified in writing of the reviewing officer's Decision. If the Review of Decision is successful, the Student's attendance will be monitored in accordance with section 4.14 of these procedures.

If the Review of Decision is unsuccessful, the Student may lodge a request for an external review of the Decision, once the University's internal resolution process has been exhausted. Students must provide evidence of the lodgement of a request for an external review, including the name of the external agency, within 20 University Business Days from the date of the notification of the internal Review of Decision outcome. Where evidence of a request for an external review has been provided, the Student's Enrolment will be maintained until the conclusion of the external review.

If an International Student studying in Australia on a Student visa does not provide evidence of lodgement of a request for an external review within 20 University Business Days, the Student will be reported to the relevant government department for having failed to achieve satisfactory attendance, which may affect the end date of the Student's Confirmation of Enrolment.

Students who do not request a Review of Decision within 20 University Business Days will be reported to the relevant government department for failing to satisfy attendance requirements and will have no further right of internal review.

Where an International Student has exhausted all internal and external resolution processes, the Student will be reported to the relevant government department, which may affect the end date of the Student's Confirmation of Enrolment.

5 References


6 Schedules

This procedure must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

7 Procedure Information

Accountable Officer

Associate Provost

Responsible Officer

Deputy Academic Registrar and Director (Student Administration)

Policy Type

University Procedure

Policy Suite

Enrolment Policy

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975

Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)

Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act (2000)

Higher Education Administrative Information for Providers (AIP)

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021

Higher Education Support Act 2003

Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld)

National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exemptions Register

Related Policies

Admissions Policy

Assessment Policy

Award Eligibility and Graduation Policy

Handling Personal Student Information Policy and Procedure

Privacy Policy

Refund of Student Fees Policy and Procedure

Student Academic Integrity Policy

Student General Conduct Policy

Student Grievance Resolution Policy

Students with a Disability Policy and Procedure

Related Procedures

Admissions Procedure

Assessment of Special Circumstances Procedure

Assessment Procedure

Higher Degree by Research Student Admissions and Enrolments Procedure

Higher Degree by Research Student Progress Procedure

Records and Information Management Procedure

Student Academic Progress Procedure

Student Appeals Procedure

Student Authority to Act Procedure

Student Debt Management Procedure

Student Discrimination, Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Response Procedure

Student Grievance Resolution Procedure

Related forms, publications and websites

Authority to Act Form

Elite Athlete Friendly Universities

Elite Athlete Registration

Elite Athletes

Feedback, Complaints and Appeals

International Student Online Application Process

Leave of Absence (International Student) Form


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary

Academic Misconduct

Academic Misconduct encompasses all behaviours, including doing as well as attempting to do, any of the acts, omissions or activities that constitute Academic Misconduct: involving the misrepresentation of academic achievement; or undermining the core values (honesty, trust, fairness and respect) of Academic Integrity; or breaching Academic Integrity; whether intentional or unintenti...moreAcademic Misconduct encompasses all behaviours, including doing as well as attempting to do, any of the acts, omissions or activities that constitute Academic Misconduct: involving the misrepresentation of academic achievement; or undermining the core values (honesty, trust, fairness and respect) of Academic Integrity; or breaching Academic Integrity; whether intentional or unintentional. Academic Misconduct includes, but is not limited to the following: Plagiarism and Self-plagiarism; using (including for Assessment or review) the work prepared by another person or software, including generative artificial intelligence, as their own without appropriate attribution; Collusion, such as any unauthorised collaboration in preparation or presentation of work, including knowingly allowing personal work to be copied by others; all forms of Cheating in examinations and other Assessment tasks; Contract Cheating; Promoting ways to breach Academic Integrity or using University resources to support others in breaching Academic Integrity; offering or accepting bribes (money or other favours), e.g. for Admission or for Marks/Grades; and fabrication or falsification of information or Student identity (TEQSA Guidance Note: Academic Integrity, Version 1.2, 28 March 2019).

Academic Year

A period of time consisting of Semesters and Study Periods that all commence in the same calendar year....moreA period of time consisting of Semesters and Study Periods that all commence in the same calendar year.


A formal, written request made by a Student or Employee to a higher authority to have a Decision overturned....moreA formal, written request made by a Student or Employee to a higher authority to have a Decision overturned.

Assessment Item

An individual Assessment task as outlined in the Assessment schedule for a Course. Assessment Items may be formal, informal, Formative or Summative in nature....moreAn individual Assessment task as outlined in the Assessment schedule for a Course. Assessment Items may be formal, informal, Formative or Summative in nature.

Authorised Representative

A representative who has been authorised to represent or act on behalf of a Student and acknowledged as such by the University in writing and in compliance with relevant University policy....moreA representative who has been authorised to represent or act on behalf of a Student and acknowledged as such by the University in writing and in compliance with relevant University policy.

Authority to Act

An Authority to Act is an official permission given by a person to another person and/or entity to act on certain matters, or granted to a person or entity to act on behalf of another person through an existing legal instrument for a certain period of time. An Authority to Act can be given in relation to all business transactions with the University, or extended in relation to certain matter...moreAn Authority to Act is an official permission given by a person to another person and/or entity to act on certain matters, or granted to a person or entity to act on behalf of another person through an existing legal instrument for a certain period of time. An Authority to Act can be given in relation to all business transactions with the University, or extended in relation to certain matters only.

Award Program

A sequence of study which leads to an academic qualification granted by the University and conferred by Council....moreA sequence of study which leads to an academic qualification granted by the University and conferred by Council.

Census Date

The date on which the Student's enrolment related requirements must be finalised in line with the University's important dates. A Higher Education Provider must, for each unit of study it provides or proposes to provide during a year, determine for that year, a particular date to be the Census Date for the unit. Students are responsible for meeting the University's Census Date deadline...moreThe date on which the Student's enrolment related requirements must be finalised in line with the University's important dates. A Higher Education Provider must, for each unit of study it provides or proposes to provide during a year, determine for that year, a particular date to be the Census Date for the unit. Students are responsible for meeting the University's Census Date deadline and must check that all enrolment and payment details are correct on or before the Census Date.

Commonwealth Supported Place

A place at an approved provider that is subsidised by the Australian Government so that Students only have to pay 'student contribution' amounts for their units of study....moreA place at an approved provider that is subsidised by the Australian Government so that Students only have to pay 'student contribution' amounts for their units of study.


A discrete element of a program, normally undertaken over a single Study Period, in which the Student enrols, and on completion of which the Student is awarded a grade....moreA discrete element of a program, normally undertaken over a single Study Period, in which the Student enrols, and on completion of which the Student is awarded a grade.

Coursework Program

A sequence of study consisting predominantly of Coursework....moreA sequence of study consisting predominantly of Coursework.


The number of units, up to a specified limit, granted towards a University Award on the basis of either previous Formal, Informal or Non-formal Learning. Credit reduces the number of Courses required to complete an Award Program....moreThe number of units, up to a specified limit, granted towards a University Award on the basis of either previous Formal, Informal or Non-formal Learning. Credit reduces the number of Courses required to complete an Award Program.


A determination made by an Employee, contractor or other authorised delegate in the course of their duties on behalf of the University....moreA determination made by an Employee, contractor or other authorised delegate in the course of their duties on behalf of the University.

Domestic Student

A Student who is an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident or the holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa....moreA Student who is an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident or the holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.


A person employed by the University and whose conditions of employment are covered by the Enterprise Agreement and includes persons employed on a continuing, fixed term or casual basis. Employees also include senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University....moreA person employed by the University and whose conditions of employment are covered by the Enterprise Agreement and includes persons employed on a continuing, fixed term or casual basis. Employees also include senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University.


The process of admitting Students to one or more Courses for the current Academic Year....moreThe process of admitting Students to one or more Courses for the current Academic Year.


Prohibition from enrolling in a Course or program for a specified period due to unsatisfactory academic progress....moreProhibition from enrolling in a Course or program for a specified period due to unsatisfactory academic progress.


The release from the requirement to complete a specific required Course but without reducing the overall number of Units required to complete the program....moreThe release from the requirement to complete a specific required Course but without reducing the overall number of Units required to complete the program.

Final Grade

A Final Grade is a code that normally represents the outcome of the Assessment of a Student's performance against the learning objectives of a Course but may reflect the outcome of an applicable administrative process....moreA Final Grade is a code that normally represents the outcome of the Assessment of a Student's performance against the learning objectives of a Course but may reflect the outcome of an applicable administrative process.

Full-Time Study

A Student will be deemed to be in Full-time Study where they are enrolled in at least 75% of the equivalent full-time load (8 Units) during an Academic Year. These Units can be taken in any Study Period during the year....moreA Student will be deemed to be in Full-time Study where they are enrolled in at least 75% of the equivalent full-time load (8 Units) during an Academic Year. These Units can be taken in any Study Period during the year.

Grade (noun)

A Grade is a code that indicates the status of the Assessment of Student performance against the Learning Outcomes of a Course....moreA Grade is a code that indicates the status of the Assessment of Student performance against the Learning Outcomes of a Course.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

A GPA is the sum, for all relevant Courses, of the Unit value for each Course, multiplied by the numerical value of the Grades achieved in those Courses, divided by the sum of the Unit values for all the relevant Courses....moreA GPA is the sum, for all relevant Courses, of the Unit value for each Course, multiplied by the numerical value of the Grades achieved in those Courses, divided by the sum of the Unit values for all the relevant Courses.


A Student upon whom Council has conferred an Award....moreA Student upon whom Council has conferred an Award.

Higher Degree by Research (HDR)

A Research Doctorate or Research Masters program for which at least two-thirds of the Student load for the program is required as research work....moreA Research Doctorate or Research Masters program for which at least two-thirds of the Student load for the program is required as research work.

International Student

A Student who is not an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident or the holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa....moreA Student who is not an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen, an Australian Permanent Resident or the holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.

Leave of Absence

An approval granted to a Student to cease formal study as an enrolled Student for a specified period of time....moreAn approval granted to a Student to cease formal study as an enrolled Student for a specified period of time.


A coherent set of at least eight (8) Units which provides depth of study within a specific subject area or discipline....moreA coherent set of at least eight (8) Units which provides depth of study within a specific subject area or discipline.


An indication of mastery or non-mastery of an Assessment Item that takes the form of a numerical value....moreAn indication of mastery or non-mastery of an Assessment Item that takes the form of a numerical value.

Non-Award Program

A sequence of study which does not lead to an Award....moreA sequence of study which does not lead to an Award.


A Notice from the University is a document, whether physical or electronic. A Notice may be: given by hand to the addressee or delivered to the address provided by the addressee to the University; or sent by registered or pre-paid mail to the address provided by the addressee to the University; or sent by electronic communication to the University-issued email account provided by the Unive...moreA Notice from the University is a document, whether physical or electronic. A Notice may be: given by hand to the addressee or delivered to the address provided by the addressee to the University; or sent by registered or pre-paid mail to the address provided by the addressee to the University; or sent by electronic communication to the University-issued email account provided by the University to a Student during the period of Enrolment until the completion of their program; or sent by electronic communication to the email address provided to the University by an addressee not enrolled at the University. A Notice is taken to be received if: given by hand to the addressee or delivered to the address provided to the University by the addressee; or sent by registered or pre-paid mail - three University Business Days after the date of posting; or sent by electronic communication - at the time that would be the time of receipt under the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 or its succeeding legislation. A Notice that would be deemed to have been received out of business hours or on a non-University Business Day will instead be deemed received on the next University Business Day.

Research Training Scheme (RTS)

The RTS provides Commonwealth-funded higher degree by research (HDR) Students with an 'entitlement' to an exemption from the student contribution (formerly called HECS fee) for the duration of an accredited HDR program....moreThe RTS provides Commonwealth-funded higher degree by research (HDR) Students with an 'entitlement' to an exemption from the student contribution (formerly called HECS fee) for the duration of an accredited HDR program.

Review of Decision

A merits review of a Decision made by the University in relation to a Student matter where the relevant policy or procedure relating to the matter allows for a review of Decision. The Review of Decision will be undertaken in accordance with the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure....moreA merits review of a Decision made by the University in relation to a Student matter where the relevant policy or procedure relating to the matter allows for a review of Decision. The Review of Decision will be undertaken in accordance with the Student Grievance Resolution Procedure.

Special Circumstances

Matters which are, in most cases, beyond the control of the Student and which will impact their capacity to progress with their planned program of study or meet a submission deadline. In some legislation, Special Circumstances are referred to as “compassionate and compelling circumstances”....moreMatters which are, in most cases, beyond the control of the Student and which will impact their capacity to progress with their planned program of study or meet a submission deadline. In some legislation, Special Circumstances are referred to as “compassionate and compelling circumstances”.


A coherent set of at least four (4) Units in a postgraduate program which provides a disciplinary focus for Student study....moreA coherent set of at least four (4) Units in a postgraduate program which provides a disciplinary focus for Student study.


A person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled....moreA person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled.

Student Contribution Amount

The student contribution that a Commonwealth supported Student pays for a specific course of study....moreThe student contribution that a Commonwealth supported Student pays for a specific course of study.

Study Period

The period during which a Course or study unit is offered. Examples of Study Period include, but are not limited to, semesters, trimesters, blocks, intensives and sessions....moreThe period during which a Course or study unit is offered. Examples of Study Period include, but are not limited to, semesters, trimesters, blocks, intensives and sessions.


The term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland....moreThe term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland.

University Business Days

The days of Monday to Friday inclusive between 9am and 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), with the exclusion of gazetted Public Holidays for the relevant campus location, plus the closure of the University between 25 December and 1 January in the following year inclusive as specified in the Enterprise Agreement, as well as any closure of the University either at one or severa...moreThe days of Monday to Friday inclusive between 9am and 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), with the exclusion of gazetted Public Holidays for the relevant campus location, plus the closure of the University between 25 December and 1 January in the following year inclusive as specified in the Enterprise Agreement, as well as any closure of the University either at one or several campuses in accordance with a direction of the Crisis Management Team.

Definitions that relate to this procedure only

Student Visa

An authorisation permitting people who are not Australian citizens or permanent residents to come to Australia for the primary purpose of studying in Australia as defined by the Migration Act (1958).


Enrolment, enrolling, incarcerated Student, Commonwealth Support Place, Student Amenities Fee, adding Courses, dropping Courses, Research Training Scheme (RTS), Elite Athlete, non-contributory Courses, over-enrolment, withdrawal without academic penalty, fee reversal, Leave of Absence, return to study, monitoring attendance

Record No


Failure to comply with this Policy or Policy Instrument may be considered as misconduct and the provisions of the relevant Policy or Procedure applied.

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