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Higher Degree by Research Student Policy

Policy overview

1 Purpose

To outline the principles which describe the University's approach to developing and implementing Higher Degree by Research (HDR) programs and Research training.

2 Scope

This policy applies to HDR programs. This policy does not apply to Coursework Programs, Honorary Doctorates or Higher Doctorates.

3 Policy Statement

The University establishes standards for HDR programs and Research training through this policy. For further details on expected standards of conduct, please refer to the Research Code of Conduct (and related procedures).

This policy aligns with:

  • Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021: Standard 4.2 Research Training

4 Principles

The University will offer HDR programs that:

  1. meet the standards specified in the Higher Education Standards Framework;
  2. provide high-quality Research training to HDR Students;
  3. promote a Research culture of excellence, integrity, professionalism and mutual respect;
  4. align with the University's Research objectives; and
  5. develop HDR Student capabilities that will equip them for individual professional and career paths.

Students are admitted to Research training only where the training can be provided in a supervisory and study environment of Research activity or other creative endeavour, inquiry and scholarship, and the supervision and resources required for their project are readily available and supported by the University.

The University reserves the right to refuse Admission where required resources are not available.

The University will award HDRs in accordance with the practice and terminology used in the Australian higher education system.

Intellectual Property created by HDR Students will be managed in accordance with the Intellectual Property Policy and subordinate Procedures.

Research training is guided by an institutional Research training framework that is designed to achieve:

  1. definition and recognition of the rights and responsibilities of HDR Students and supervisors;
  2. induction and orientation of HDR Students and supervisors to their roles;
  3. monitoring of the progress of HDR Students;
  4. assessment and examination of HDR Students' work;
  5. independence of examiners;
  6. presentation and communication of Research Outputs by HDR Students;
  7. resolution of disputes; and
  8. opportunities for HDR Students to engage in collaborative Research with end-users of the Research.

5 References


6 Schedules

This policy must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

7 Policy Information

Accountable Officer

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation)

Responsible Officer

Dean (Graduate Research School)

Policy Type

Academic Quality Policy

Policy Suite

Higher Degree by Research Confirmation of Candidature Schedule

Higher Degree by Research Student Admissions and Enrolments Procedure

Higher Degree by Research Student Annual Progress Review Schedule

Higher Degree by Research Student Progress Procedure

Higher Degree by Research Student Scholarship Procedure

Higher Degree by Research Supervision Procedure

Higher Degree by Research Thesis Examination Procedure

Higher Degree by Research Thesis Presentation Schedule

Higher Degree by Research Thesis Submission Schedule

Research Training Program Scholarship Procedure

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research

Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000

Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021

Higher Education Support Act 2003

Information Privacy Act 2009

National Code of Practice for Providers of education and Training to Overseas Students 2018

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Admissions Policy

Assessment Policy

Award Eligibility and Graduation Policy

Code of Conduct Policy

Intellectual Property Policy

Student Academic Integrity Policy

Student General Conduct Policy

Student Communication Policy

Student Grievance Resolution Policy

Related Procedures

Admissions Procedure

Assessment Procedure

Commercialisation of Intellectual Property Procedure

Enrolment Procedure

Higher Degree by Research Student Admissions and Enrolments Procedure

Intellectual Property Procedure

Research Code of Conduct: Management of Potential Breaches Procedure

Student Academic Misconduct Procedure

Student Communication Procedure

Student Discrimination, Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Response Procedure

Student General Misconduct Procedure

Related forms, publications and websites

Academic Appeal Form

Administrative Information for Higher Education Providers (AIP) Manual

Exclude Internal Form (under review)

Feedback, Complaints and Appeals

Graduate Research School Student Progress Reports

UniSQ website (Graduate Research School)

Student General Misconduct Procedure Penalty Schedule

UniSQ Scholarship website


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary


The process of submission and assessment of applications for entry to study at the University....moreThe process of submission and assessment of applications for entry to study at the University.


The process of evaluating the extent to which Students have achieved the Learning Outcomes of a Course....moreThe process of evaluating the extent to which Students have achieved the Learning Outcomes of a Course.

Coursework Program

A sequence of study consisting predominantly of Coursework....moreA sequence of study consisting predominantly of Coursework.

Higher Degree by Research (HDR)

A Research Doctorate or Research Masters program for which at least two-thirds of the Student load for the program is required as research work....moreA Research Doctorate or Research Masters program for which at least two-thirds of the Student load for the program is required as research work.

Higher Doctorate

A higher doctorate is the highest academic qualification awarded by the University and give formal public recognition to scholars who have made a substantial, original and distinguished contribution to the knowledge and understanding of any branch of learning with which the University is concerned....moreA higher doctorate is the highest academic qualification awarded by the University and give formal public recognition to scholars who have made a substantial, original and distinguished contribution to the knowledge and understanding of any branch of learning with which the University is concerned.

Honorary Doctorate

A degree conferred to a recipient to honour outstanding achievements independent of fulfilling the academic requirements of a doctorate....moreA degree conferred to a recipient to honour outstanding achievements independent of fulfilling the academic requirements of a doctorate.

Intellectual Property

The result of an individual's intellectual endeavours that is capable of being protected by legal rights. Examples include, but are not limited to: inventions and discoveries in relation to new products and processes that can be protected by a patent; Copyright in Teaching Materials; other works in which Copyright subsists including literary works (including computer programs), dramatic wo...moreThe result of an individual's intellectual endeavours that is capable of being protected by legal rights. Examples include, but are not limited to: inventions and discoveries in relation to new products and processes that can be protected by a patent; Copyright in Teaching Materials; other works in which Copyright subsists including literary works (including computer programs), dramatic works, musical works, artistic works, films, sound recordings, broadcasts, published editions and certain types of performances; industrial designs, which protect the shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation of a product, that is, what gives a product a unique appearance; plant breeders' rights, which protect varieties of plants and trees; trademarks, which protect the branding, reputation and goodwill of products and services; circuit layout rights, which protect the layout plans or designs of electronic components in integrated circuits, computer chips, or semi-conductors used in personal computers and computer-reliant equipment; and trade secrets and know-how, that is, knowledge about products, processes, and inventions and discoveries: prior to the time they are incorporated into a publication or become the subject of a patent or design application; or which are never made the subject of an application for Intellectual Property registration.


Research is the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way to generate new concepts, methodologies, inventions and understandings. This could include the synthesis and analysis of previous research to the extent that it is new and creative....moreResearch is the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way to generate new concepts, methodologies, inventions and understandings. This could include the synthesis and analysis of previous research to the extent that it is new and creative.

Research Output

An output is an outcome of research and can take many forms. Research Outputs must meet the definition of Research....moreAn output is an outcome of research and can take many forms. Research Outputs must meet the definition of Research.


A Scholarship is Student recognition, typically based on Academic Merit, which provides a financial grant to a Student to undertake or complete a program of study at the University over a nominated period of time, in accordance with the selection criteria. A Scholarship may take the form of periodic payments to the Student or a reduction in specified costs, such as tuition fees for the...moreA Scholarship is Student recognition, typically based on Academic Merit, which provides a financial grant to a Student to undertake or complete a program of study at the University over a nominated period of time, in accordance with the selection criteria. A Scholarship may take the form of periodic payments to the Student or a reduction in specified costs, such as tuition fees for the duration of the Scholarship.


A person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled....moreA person who is enrolled in a UniSQ Upskill Course or who is admitted to an Award Program or Non-Award Program offered by the University and is: currently enrolled in one or more Courses or study units; or not currently enrolled but is on an approved Leave of Absence or whose admission has not been cancelled.


The term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland....moreThe term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland.

Definitions that relate to this policy only


Research training, research students, research program

Record No


Failure to comply with this Policy or Policy Instrument may be considered as misconduct and the provisions of the relevant Policy or Procedure applied.

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