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Employee Family and Domestic Violence Support Procedure

Procedure overview

1 Purpose

To outline the support available for Employees who are experiencing or affected by Family and Domestic Violence.

2 Scope

This Procedure applies to all Employees.

3 Procedure Overview

This Procedure outlines the support, recommended processes, and entitlements available for Employees who experience, or are affected by Family and Domestic Violence.

4 Procedures

The University is committed to ensuring that those Employees who experience or are affected by Family and Domestic Violence receive support that is personalised, trauma-informed, appropriate, timely, positive, and in confidence.

The University has the following support mechanisms available to Employees who experience or are affected by Family and Domestic Violence.

4.1 Individual Support and Support Services

Employees who are affected by Family and Domestic Violence are encouraged to advise their Supervisor or the People Portfolio to enable appropriate measures to be put in place, and options such as leave and flexible working arrangements to be considered. The safety of Employees at work is paramount and measures to ensure Employee safety will depend on the Employee's circumstances.

People Portfolio (in confidential consultation with other stakeholders as necessary) will assess the ongoing risk of harm to the Employee, which will include identifying possible psychosocial hazards and doing all that is reasonable to eliminate or control the risks to the Employee while in the workplace. These measures will be reviewed appropriately to ensure they remain effective.

An Employee may request, in consultation with their Supervisor or the Chief People Officer, changes to their business related contact details including, but not limited to, position, section, office, location, phone, extension, email. Consideration can also be given to removing personal and business related details from public access on the University website.

Individuals concerned for their immediate safety on campus should contact the University emergency number extension 2222.

The Employee Assistance Program is a confidential counselling service to assist Employees and members of their immediate family with a wide range of personal or work-related concerns.

In addition to the above, information on Family and Domestic Violence specialist support services is available from the ServiceHub.

4.1.1 Leave Arrangements

All Employees (including casual employees) who experience or are affected by Family and Domestic Violence can access 10 days' paid Family and Domestic Violence leave per year, and five days' unpaid Family and Domestic Violence leave per year. Family and Domestic Violence leave is non-cumulative and unused Family and Domestic Violence leave will not roll over from year to year.

Employees who have exhausted their access to paid and unpaid Family and Domestic Violence leave, are can access personal or carer's leave in lieu of Family and Domestic violence leave.

Employees who access Family and Domestic Violence Leave, can access it for reasons including, but not limited to:

  • attending medical/counselling appointments;
  • attending legal proceedings or seeking legal advice;
  • seeking safe housing;
  • organising alternative care or education arrangements for children;
  • rebuilding support networks for children, family or others; or
  • any other activity relating to managing or responding to issues of Family and Domestic Violence.

Employees can also access the following leave types if required:

  • Special Leave
  • Other accrued paid leave entitlements, including Personal and Carer's Leave, Annual Leave and Long Service Leave
  • Leave without pay.

Paid Family and Domestic Violence leave is also available to Employees who are supporting:

  • A close relative;
  • A member of their household; or
  • A current or former intimate partner of an Employee.

4.1.2 Flexible Working Arrangements

An Employee may request flexible working arrangements, subject to operational requirements and reasonable business grounds as agreed with their supervisor, if they experience Family and Domestic Violence. This may also be extended to Employees if they are required to provide care and support to a close relative, member of their household who is affected by Family and Domestic Violence. These changes may include, but are not limited to, changes to hours of work, varying start and finishing times, temporary change in duties, or temporary changes to work location.

4.1.3 Return to Work After Leave

In consultation with the Employee, the People Portfolio and/or Supervisor can assess any ongoing safety concerns to the individual Employee and/or those in the work area, in order to facilitate a safe return to work and document the agreed actions and responsibilities of all relevant parties.

4.2 Professional Development

The University will provide training for Supervisors and Employees to increase awareness of, and know the signs to recognise, respond and appropriately refer issues of Family and Domestic Violence.

4.3 Using Family and Domestic Violence

The University does not tolerate Family and Domestic Violence and prohibits Family and Domestic Violence being used in the workplace or conducted from the workplace. This behaviour may be considered a breach of the University's Code of Conduct Policy, and some breaches may also have consequences for individuals under criminal law. If an Employee is observed or suspected of using Family and Domestic Violence in, or from, the workplace, Supervisors have a responsibility to report and undertake appropriate action.

Employees who use Family and Domestic Violence and are also affected by Family and Domestic Violence are encouraged to seek support though the Employee Assistance Program or other appropriate support services.

4.4 Reporting of Concerns by Colleagues

Employees are encouraged to report their concerns about colleagues who are affected by Family and Domestic Violence to their Supervisor or the People Partnerships and/or Safety team.

4.5 Confidentiality and Disclosure

An Employee who discloses that they are currently affected by Family and Domestic Violence or has previously been affected by Family and Domestic Violence, will be protected from adverse action and treated fairly in terms of their employment, career development, or when impacted as a result of that disclosure. An Employee who raises genuine concerns about colleagues affected by Family and Domestic Violence will also be treated fairly and confidentially.

All Employee-related information relating to Family and Domestic Violence will be treated as confidential. Information will only be released if required by Regulatory Compliance Instruments or to maintain the safety of an Employee or any other individual.

5 References


6 Schedules

This procedure must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

7 Procedure Information

Accountable Officer

Chief People Officer

Responsible Officer

Chief People Officer

Policy Type

University Procedure

Policy Suite

Employee Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (Qld)

Enterprise Agreement

National Employment Standards

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Code of Conduct Policy

Related Procedures

Related forms, publications and websites

Employee Assistance Program

Leave Procedure

People Portfolio

1800RESPECT website


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary


A person employed by the University and whose conditions of employment are covered by the Enterprise Agreement and includes persons employed on a continuing, fixed term or casual basis. Employees also include senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University....moreA person employed by the University and whose conditions of employment are covered by the Enterprise Agreement and includes persons employed on a continuing, fixed term or casual basis. Employees also include senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University.

Family and Domestic Violence

Family and Domestic Violence means violent, threatening or other abusive behaviour by certain individuals known to an Employee that both seeks to coerce or control the Employee, and causes them harm or fear....moreFamily and Domestic Violence means violent, threatening or other abusive behaviour by certain individuals known to an Employee that both seeks to coerce or control the Employee, and causes them harm or fear.


The term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland....moreThe term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland.

Definitions that relate to this procedure only


Record No


Failure to comply with this Policy or Policy Instrument may be considered as misconduct and the provisions of the relevant Policy or Procedure applied.

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