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Emergency Procedure

Procedure overview

1 Purpose

To ensure all employees are informed of the emergency procedures within the University.

2 Scope

This procedure applies to all employees, students, contractors and visitors while they are at the University.

3 Procedure Overview

Emergency personnel must be appointed for each occupied building of the University and must be provided with training to undertake their roles.

4 Procedures

4.1 Chief Wardens

A Chief Warden is responsible for the management and direction of emergency procedures in their building or work area. This includes development of evacuation plans, coordinating building evacuations and checking the availability of emergency equipment specific to the area. Each Chief Warden heads an Emergency Team - which consists of a Deputy Chief Warden, Floor Wardens and Wardens and is trained and equipped to assist in building evacuation and other emergency activities.

Category 4 Delegates or above are responsible for appointing a Chief Warden from among the employees in their building. The employee takes on warden's responsibilities for their building as part of normal duties.

In conjunction with the appropriate Delegate, the Chief Warden nominates a Deputy Chief Warden from within the Emergency Team. Where a building is on several levels, the Chief Warden may also nominate Floor/Wardens from within the Emergency Team.

During the conduct of a building evacuation or in the event of an emergency within their area of responsibility, the Chief Warden has full authority over all occupants of the building until the Emergency Services take control or the Chief Warden is relieved of responsibility.

The responsibilities of Chief Wardens are to:

  1. Design, implement and maintain an evacuation plan and practice the execution of the plan through regular drills.
  2. Undertake regular building inspections to ensure that:
  3. exit paths are clear;
  4. exit and evacuation signs are clearly worded and displayed.
  5. Conduct training for the Emergency Team in relation to emergency procedures and area or building familiarisation.
  6. Direct emergency team members and others during emergency situations.
  7. Report to the Dean or Director and to the Associate Director (Security and Emergency) any matters concerning the emergency procedures in the work area.
  8. Liaise with Associate Director (Security and Emergency) on emergency issues.
  9. Assist in the investigation of incidents in relation to emergency situations and prepare reports if required.

To acknowledge both the importance of the Chief Warden role and the effort required to fulfil the associated responsibilities, Chief Wardens who successfully complete their role are eligible for an annual Chief Warden Incentive Payment. The Chief Warden Incentive Payment Guidelines outline the details and application of incentive payments to eligible employees who successfully undertake the role of Chief Warden at the University.

4.2 Emergency teams

Emergency teams have been established to enable the University to deal effectively with emergency situations. A squad is assigned to each major building or area and is headed by a Chief Warden.

Any employee may be called upon to be a team member.

Category 4 Delegates or above are responsible for the nomination of team members in conjunction with the Chief Warden and for selecting replacements as required.

Emergency team members report to their respective Chief Warden in relation to emergency procedures.

In the event of an emergency, team members have the authority to direct University employees, students, contractors and visitors to carry out actions required to protect life.

The responsibilities of Emergency Team are to:

  • Participate in training as required by Chief Wardens and Associate Director (Security and Emergency); and
  • Carry out assigned duties during an emergency until either the situation is resolved or relief is provided by other emergency services, such as fire brigade, ambulance, police, etc.

4.3 Training

Chief Wardens do not require any formal qualifications. They are given access to training in emergency procedures, including fire safety, evacuations and bomb/arson threats, to enable them to more effectively fulfil their responsibilities.

Emergency Team members do not require previous experience or qualifications to take on the role; and are given the following training to enable them to fulfil their responsibilities:

  • evacuation procedures
  • area familiarisation
  • fire extinguisher handling
  • CPR or First Aid

5 References


6 Schedules

This procedure must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

7 Procedure Information

Accountable Officer

Chief People Officer

Responsible Officer

Executive Director (Facilities Management)

Policy Type

University Procedure

Policy Suite

Work Health and Safety Policy

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld)

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Related Procedures

Related forms, publications and websites

UniSQ Emergency Procedures Manual


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary

Definitions that relate to this procedure only


Emergency, chief fire warden, evacuation

Record No


Failure to comply with this Policy or Policy Instrument may be considered as misconduct and the provisions of the relevant Policy or Procedure applied.

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