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Capital, Minor Works and Maintenance Policy and Procedure

Policy overview

1 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to advise UniSQ stakeholders and community of the appropriate maintenance, minor works and capital works authority and their governing principles.

2 Scope

All UniSQ property, its employees and associated contractors.

3 Policy Statement

3.1 Minor Works

The University will carry out on behalf of its organisational units all new work, modifications, deletions, upgrading of facilities and demolition of facilities in the most efficient and cost effective manner within allocated University funding.

3.2 Capital Works

The University will provide strategic planning advice for acquisition of physical assets in accordance with the campus master plan. The University will undertake capital works identified as major projects in the University's Capital Asset Management Plan and as directed by the Vice-Chancellor.

3.3 Maintenance

The University will maintain all on-campus and off-campus facilities owned by the University, and where appropriate leased facilities, within budgetary constraints and consistent with operational, safety and legislative requirements.

4 Principles

4.1 Minor Works and Capital Works

  1. The University shall undertake on behalf of its organisational units all new work, modifications, deletions, upgrading of facilities and demolition of facilities.
  2. The University shall be the Proprietor and shall act as its own Building Certifier, as defined in the Queensland Building Act 1975-1984, for all projects.
  3. Facilities Management shall be the Construction Authority for all University projects. Unless nominated otherwise, for Minor Works Projects, the Superintendent shall be the Manager (Projects), Facilities Management and the Superintendent on Capital Works shall be the project's Principal Consultant.
  4. The University as its own statutory authority requires building work to be code accessible against the Standard Building Regulations 1993 (SBR), the SBR is given the head of power by the Building Act 1975. This regulation calls up the Building Code of Australia (BCA), which in turn calls up over 100 Standards. All work shall be designed and constructed to comply with the requirements of all relevant legislation including:
    1. Queensland Building Act, 1975 and the Standard Building Regulations 1993
    2. Building Fire Safety Regulations 1991 (Amendment 2002)
    3. Workplace Health and Safety Act, 1995 (Miscellaneous Amendment Regulations)
    4. Disability Discrimination Act 1992
    5. Anti-Discrimination Act 1991
    6. Human Rights Act 2019
    7. Local Government ordinances.
  5. All necessary approvals shall be obtained and lodged with the University by the Principal Contractor and/or the Contractor before construction commences.
  6. The Executive Director (Facilities Management) shall ensure that all works projects are in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 5.1.2 - 5.1.5 and are functional and in harmony with existing facilities.
  7. All works projects shall be undertaken in accordance with University Design Standards as detailed in the document "Design Control Documentation Section A - Design Standards" dated September 1996.
  8. Unless otherwise nominated the University shall act as the Principal. Dependent upon project complexity and Facilities Management workloads, projects may be carried out by University staff, subcontractors, day labour or combinations thereof.

4.2 Maintenance

  1. The Manager (Operations), Facilities Management shall be functionally responsible to the Executive Director (Facilities Management) for the operation of the University's facilities maintenance program.
  2. The Supervisor (Maintenance), Facilities Management shall be responsible to the Manager (Operations), Facilities Management for supervision.

5 Procedures

5.1 Minor Works

  1. Organisational units are to submit forecasts for centrally funded minor works as part of the University's annual planning and budgetary process. Minor works proposals are to be listed in priority order and submitted to Divisional Heads for consideration and inclusion in a prioritised divisional submission. Divisional submissions will be reviewed by the Minor Works, Capital Works and Major Equipment Committee and a draft University Minor Works Program prepared for approval by the Finance and Facilities Committee. The program will list projects in University priority order and, following executive approval; works will be undertaken to the limit of available funding.
  2. Funding for the Minor Works Program is always tight and thus many worthwhile projects cannot be centrally funded due to higher priority demands. Organisational units may choose to fund projects from within their own resources through the Minor Works Program. Organisational unit funded minor works are to be undertaken by Facilities Management on the organisational unit's behalf.
  3. Minor Works proposals, which require relocations or additions to communication services, are to be referred to the Manager (Networks), Division of Information and Communication Technology Services (DICTS) for a costing estimate. Communication services include:
    1. Access to the campus network;
    2. Microcomputer networking;
    3. PABX services;
    4. Facsimile services.

      Simple relocations of existing access equipment and services may not always be possible and minor works proposals must include full details of services required including number, type and location of service.

      Funding for the communications component of approved minor works projects will be included in the project allocation managed by Facilities Management. DICTS will draw on these funds for labour and communications equipment costs associated with the project. Work will be scheduled by the Manager (Networks), DICTS in accordance with workloads and project requirements.
  4. Facilities Management, in consultation with user and service organisational units, will prepare timelines for each minor works project. These timelines will reflect changes and other factors. Project planning will involve consultation with relevant University organisational units.

5.2 Capital Works

  1. Capital Works projects are included in the University's rolling five-year Capital Asset Management Plan following evaluation by the Minor Works, Capital Works and Major Equipment Committee and endorsement by the Finance and Facilities Committee of Council.
  2. For each Capital Works project, a Project Development Working Party and a Project Steering Committee are established. The Project Development Working Party is responsible for the project until commencement of construction from which time the Project Steering Committee oversees the project to completion.

5.3 Maintenance

  1. Maintenance works are undertaken on an as-required basis. Organisational units are to advise Facilities Management of identified maintenance requirements and, subject to a condition inspection and funding availability, works will be programmed. Should funding not be available or the condition inspection indicates that the works are not in the priority funding zone, the organisational unit will be advised that while the works cannot be centrally funded, the works may be carried out by Facilities Management at the expense of the organisational unit.
  2. Maintenance works are normally undertaken on an "as required" basis as detailed above. For each ensuing year, organisational units should forecast requirements to enable some baseline estimation for funding levels.
  3. The Maintenance Section of Facilities Management will develop a prioritised annual general maintenance program based on request/reports from organisational units, condition inspections by Facilities Management staff, staff workloads and availability of funds.
  4. All urgent maintenance requests should be reported by telephone to Facilities Management and general maintenance requests can be logged via an online BEIMSWeb Remote Request.
  5. After-hours emergencies should be reported in the first instance to Campus Safety and Security.
  6. The University has a campus wide cleaning contract with set standards and procedures in place to monitor performance.
  7. All staff are responsible for reporting tripping hazards and chemical spillages to the University Work Health and Safety Information System.
  8. Electrical Requirements:

    To enable the University to comply with the requirements of the Electricity Act the following points must be adhered to:
    1. No electrical work is to be performed on University property for all activities other than Capital or Minor Works unless it has been authorised by the Supervisor (Maintenance) or for all Capital and Minor Works the Manager (Projects). On completion of the work the relevant Facilities Management Officer must be advised and the relevant information supplied to enable schedules to be upgraded and the work inspected.
    2. Staff members required to perform electrical work as part of their duties (and who are appropriately licensed), must submit copies of their licence, a certificate of attendance of the M.E.N. testing awareness session and evidence of skills in resuscitation to Facilities Management.
    3. Names (with qualifications) of those staff members within Faculties/Departments who are required to perform electrical work as part of their duties and therefore maintain an electrical workers licence or restricted licence are to be forwarded to Facilities Management.
    4. Facilities Management in conjunction with Work Health and Safety will organise an appropriate resuscitation/refresher course, which will satisfy the requirements for obtaining or renewal of licences.
    5. Access to electrical cupboards and switchboards will be restricted and will be to authorised persons only.

6 References

6.1 Minor Works

Minor Works refer to all new works, including those of a structural nature carried out to existing campus buildings and grounds and where appropriate to off-campus facilities owned or leased by the University, which are funded through the University's operating budget. Works include alterations, modifications, additions, deletions, upgrading of facilities, and demolition of existing facilities. Minor works may encompass one or all building related trades (carpentry, joinery, glazing etc) and service works (hydraulic, electrical, mechanical, communication and civil).

6.2 Capital Works

Capital Works are those project identified as such in the University's Capital Asset Management Plan and as authorised by the Vice-Chancellor. Funding for these projects may be from the DEEWR Capital Development Pool, Commonwealth or State grants or from University sources.

6.3 Infrastructure

The University will undertake and maintain services infrastructure to enable facilitation of capital development, minor works activities and dependable services (mechanical, electrical, gas, hydraulic and communication (coordinated with ITS).

6.4 Maintenance

  1. The University operates a facilities maintenance program. The requirement for buildings, grounds and physical plant maintenance has grown to the extent that maintenance is now a major operation with a heavy funding demand.
  2. The Maintenance section of Facilities Management is responsible for facilities maintenance in the following areas:
    1. Campus physical resources and services strategic planning
    2. Buildings
    3. Services Infrastructure
    4. Civil Works
    5. Grounds
    6. Physical Plant
    7. Fixed furniture and fittings - supply, installation and maintenance throughout the University with the exception of Residential Colleges.
    8. Loose furniture and fittings - supply, installation and maintenance throughout the University, with the exception Residential Colleges, but excluding items funded by organisational units for use in general administrative areas, offices, waiting/reception areas, common rooms, laboratories and libraries.
  3. Facilities maintenance refers to status quo refurbishment including painting and other work of a repair nature with a like or similar material, part or service. Painting of all internal areas and the repair/replacement of floor coverings, window coverings (general purpose areas), fixtures and fittings are classified as maintenance and are the responsibility of Facilities Management.

7 Schedules

This policy must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

8 Policy Information

Accountable Officer

Executive Director (Facilities Management)

Responsible Officer

Executive Director (Facilities Management)

Policy Type

Executive Policy

Policy Suite

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date

Relevant Legislation

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Related Procedures

Related forms, publications and websites


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary

Definitions that relate to this policy only


Capital, Minor Works, Maintenance

Record No


Failure to comply with this Policy or Policy Instrument may be considered as misconduct and the provisions of the relevant Policy or Procedure applied.

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