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Estates Naming Policy

Policy overview

1 Purpose

To describe the principles for the naming of the various elements which comprise the University's Physical Estate.

2 Scope

This policy applies to the naming of buildings (or part thereof), infrastructure and built spaces including all grounds, gardens, sporting fields, roads and other open spaces contained within the University's Physical Estate. This policy excludes the naming of collections, centres, institutes, professorial or sponsored chairs, lectureships and fellowships.

3 Policy Statement

The University may name elements of the Physical Estate for a range of reasons. These reasons include:

  • functional naming (i.e. B Block)
  • a system of naming awards for:
    • recognition of outstanding service or outstanding contribution (i.e. Allison Dickson Lecture Theatre)
    • recognition of a philanthropic donation (i.e. Clive Berghofer Recreation Centre)
    • inclusion in a commercial strategy to create revenue by sale of the naming rights, or as part of a research or commercial collaboration where the naming rights are part of the negotiated outcome
  • a system of sponsoring elements to raise funds for projects or charitable causes (e.g. individual bricks in a themed wall or trees on campus).

3.1 Approval authorities

The naming awards recommendation process will be managed by the Vice-Chancellor with all recommendations referred to the Chancellor's Committee of Council for endorsement. Where a financial component is involved the Chancellor's Committee may refer the matter to the Finance and Facilities Committee for review and advice.

The Chancellor's Committee may accept, decline or amend any recommendation. Where the Chancellor's Committee supports a recommendation, it will be forwarded to the Council for approval based on broad consideration which may include the eligibility criteria outlined under Section 4.3.

The sponsoring elements process for raising funds for projects or charitable causes is subject to the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

The functional implementation of the naming of the estate is the responsibility of the Executive Director (Facilities Management).

A person or entity under consideration for a naming award must provide their consent for the award, which will be sought after Council's approval. In the case of a deceased person, or person lacking in capacity, their estate or next of kin may provide this consent.

No publicity or announcement of a naming award shall be made until the award has been approved by the Council, and consent obtained.

4 Principles

4.1 Estates Naming Advisory Group

The Vice-Chancellor will convene and chair an Estates Naming Advisory Group, as required, to consider nominations for naming awards and recommendations for sponsoring elements. Any University Employee or Council Member may provide nominations for a naming award.

4.2 Naming of objects

Naming awards will be linked to a significant physical element with some public profile e.g. a building, a lecture theatre, a conference room, a defined garden area or open space. Naming awards will not be applied to minor elements such as individual offices, corridors or walls.

4.3 Naming award criteria

The following criteria will be used to determine eligibility for a naming award.

4.3.1 Honour and recognition

This criteria is to recognise outstanding service or outstanding contribution to the University over an extended period of time. A naming award under this category is not in any sense routine and should not be awarded other than on the basis of merit.

4.3.2 Philanthropic

This criteria is to recognise significant financial or In-kind Donations to the University. In this category the instructions or wishes of the donor regarding the use of the donated funds are to be considered. In the absence of specific instruction the funds will be directed to a scholarship or endowment fund. Details of the fund use must be included in the recommendation to Chancellor's Committee.

4.3.3 Sale of the naming rights

To maximise revenue for the University by leveraging off the opportunities inherent within the Physical Estate, the sales value of naming rights will require Vice-Chancellor approval and be set at a level appropriate to the significance of the physical element.

4.3.4 Research or commercial collaboration

Commercially driven naming awards will be considered in the context of a specific collaboration agreement and the inherent value of the naming award. Where a collaboration or research agreement is under development and proposes to include naming rights as part of that agreement, Vice-Chancellor and Council approval is required prior to any commitment being made.

4.4 Alignment

The University will not engage in or accept any naming opportunity that is not consistent with its vision, mission and values.

4.5 Withdrawal of award

A naming award may be withdrawn where the continued use of the name could reflect negatively on the reputation of the University, or if the subject of the naming award has fallen into disrepute.

4.6 Longevity

A naming award normally will remain in place for the life of the infrastructure/building unless otherwise determined by the Estates Naming Advisory Group and approved by Council.

In the event of demolition or destruction of a building or facility, any naming award will cease. Any naming award period may be extended at the discretion of the Council.

4.7 Signage

Signage will be consistent with the University Brand Guidelines and will not be intrusive or used for advertising purposes. Alphanumeric functional names will continue to be displayed on all buildings and facilities (i.e. B, Q1) and referenced in communications.

5 References

University of Southern Queensland Council Minutes, 11 April 1994.

Griffith University, Naming of Buildings and Other Physical Features Policy, November 2012.

University of Queensland, Honour and Philanthropic Naming Policy, August 2012.

6 Schedules

This policy must be read in conjunction with its subordinate schedules as provided in the table below.

7 Policy Information

Accountable Officer


Responsible Officer

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise Services)

Policy Type

Governance Policy

Policy Suite

Estates Naming Procedure

Subordinate Schedules

Approved Date


Effective Date


Review Date


Relevant Legislation

University of Southern Queensland Act 1998

Policy Exceptions

Policy Exceptions Register

Related Policies

Philanthropy Policy (under development)

Related Procedures

Related forms, publications and websites

Estates Naming Advisory Group Terms of Reference

UniSQ Design and Visual Identity (restricted access)


Terms defined in the Definitions Dictionary


Council means the governing body, the University of Southern Queensland Council....moreCouncil means the governing body, the University of Southern Queensland Council.


A person employed by the University and whose conditions of employment are covered by the Enterprise Agreement and includes persons employed on a continuing, fixed term or casual basis. Employees also include senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University....moreA person employed by the University and whose conditions of employment are covered by the Enterprise Agreement and includes persons employed on a continuing, fixed term or casual basis. Employees also include senior Employees whose conditions of employment are covered by a written agreement or contract with the University.


The term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland....moreThe term 'University' or 'UniSQ' means the University of Southern Queensland.

Definitions that relate to this policy only

Physical Estate

Includes all grounds, infrastructure, and buildings across all of the University's land and property holdings.

In-kind Donations

Includes land, vehicles, expertise or labour with a real value.


Record No


Failure to comply with this Policy or Policy Instrument may be considered as misconduct and the provisions of the relevant Policy or Procedure applied.

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